Wedding Etiquette Forum

Things you never want to know

About your coworkers:

"I think i'd have a great time at Hedo..."

your turn.

"You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb

Re: Things you never want to know

  • My co-worker, now friend informed me that her baby was concieved on my birthday. They lived right above our apartment at the time...their bedroom was right above ours, so I erm...already knew that Embarassed

    Another coworker had IBS. She would tell me when she was having issues.
  • " I signed a guys balls with a sharpie last night"

    True story.
    Oct '11 Siggy Challenge: imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • We had a fire drill and one co-worker was like, "of course they had to do a fire drill when i'm in the middle of pooping."

    it was my 3rd time talking to her.  she could have said "in the bathroom."

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • My friend's boss once called her into her office just to tell her that she was cheating on her husband and had gotten herpes from the guy. Ew. And thanks for sharing? They (my friend and her boss) hated each other, too, so it was extra special weird.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I didn't need to know about my co-worker's colonoscopy, but she begged to differ.
  • Long time close friends with this couple. Husband calls me to tell me about his affair with woman that lives across the street. To make it even more special, my teenage son was dating the paramour's teenage daughter.  That was a fun period in my life. not.
  • A former coworker once stated that she is surprised she's never gotten any STD's from sleeping around.  I had just met her.  TMI.
    09.10 Siggy Challenge
    PhotobucketMy favorite picture is of the night we got engaged!
  • Yea, my coworker likes to go into detail whenever she sleeps with someone.. Its very inappropriate. Especially when that someone was a friend of mine. 
    image Married and Junk.
  • Oh good lord, the shiit that come out of my co-workers mouths...  I'm surprised there haven't been any lawsuits... the daily conversation is at best nappropriate
  • I have one coworker that will tell you every time that she has pooped her pants at work and had to be sent home because of it. She shares way too much about everything and I just want to tell her to STFU.
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  • my coworker's amniocentesis. in EXCRUCIATING detail. I was like, "lady my mom is gonna hunt u down cuz you are killing my will to have children." don't want to hear about any funky gross pregnancy changes - ahem leaking nipples! who says that??

  • i just need a muzzle for one of my coworkers....

    all she does is talk talk talk talk talk - tells the same stories over and over and over to the point i want to puncture my ear drums

    we have coined her the meerkat as she pops up from her desk when not involved in a convo and makes herself part either by laughing or going "ya know my husband john..."

    first you are flipping married and how did someone having a baby bring the conversation to your fake husband??


    Sept 2011 Siggy Challenge: Favorite Ceremony Photo Anniversary


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