I have no problem with the idea of kids at my wedding. I love kids. Here's an issue that's begun to emerge, however (excuse the long wind-up; I'll get to the point eventually):
My wedding is already shaping up to be a big one. FI's family is quite small, and our list of close friends will be small as well...but my parents are divorced and each remarried, which means I have four parents, which means my family is ginormous. My dad, who will be helping pay for the wedding, has decided we need to invite all his cousins. His family is definitely the largest of all my parents' families, so we're talking a couple dozen cousins here (my paternal grandmother has 6 sisters, which explains this) - plus spouses. I don't have a problem with that in theory. These are people whose names I don't remember half the time, but they're cool people.
However, when you factor in their kids, the guest list just becomes obnoxious. It's going to become impossible to find a venue that will accommodate the number, first of all. Second, my dad has yet to join the 21st century as it relates to the cost of a wedding (in Southern California, no less...hello...) So he's not exactly willing to cough up the extra money to cover their kids (and most of the kids are pre-teens or young teens, so for the most part they'd each cost the same as any other adult, for the purposes of food).
Dad's solution? -- Just don't invite the kids.
Fine, in theory, even though it makes me feel awful. And I know, if there's going to be a no-kids approach, there shouldn't be any exceptions made.
The problem? There are a couple of guests who live out of town and have young kids - but they're people with whom I'm fairly close, and I would hate for a no-kids policy to be the reason they can't come. But realistically, no way are my cousins who live in Oregon going to leave their 4 year-old kid there for a weekend. Locals can fairly easily arrange for childcare. But out-of-towners, not so much. We're only talking about a few people here...but I'd be so very sad if they couldn't come because of this issue.
Have any of you ever been faced with a situation remotely like this? How did you handle it?
(Truly, I'd like to be able to just tell my dad, "If I can't remember their names, they're not on the list." But in fairness to him, I am inviting my mom's cousins, and they are definitely not negotiable, as I am quite close to them.)
Sigh. My big fat Irish wedding.