Wedding Etiquette Forum

Parents SO's and parents' flowers

So I'm at the point where I'm about to sign a contract for my wedding flowers (one more item to check off the list!) and I've found myself a bit stuck on a single issue. We are getting bouts/corsages for our mothers' and fathers', as well as for my FH's stepfather and stepmother (since they have been in his life for the last 15 years).

This morning, something dawned upon me. My parents each have a significant other who they have been dating for about a year (shortly after my parents divorced). It had never occured to me to get them parents' flowers because they aren't my parents and I've hardly ever met either of them. But then it occured to me that it might cause sore feelings if they didn't get parents' flowers... even though they're not my parents, and not even my parents' spouses. So...

*Groom's mother/father: yes flowers!
*Bride's mother/father: yes flowers!
*Groom's stepparents: yes flowers!
*Bride's parents' significant others: flowers?

So, in my situation, would you get them parents' flowers anyways? I'm leaning towards "yes", since its probably a lot more likely that they would feel left out when all the other members of the "parents + partners" groups have flowers and they don't, rather than anybody raise an eyebrow about non-parents having parents' flowers.

So, what do you think? All input is welcome!

Re: Parents SO's and parents' flowers

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