Wedding Etiquette Forum

I wish

I had one of those fancy Christmas parties to go to like some people get to attend. I love dressing up. I like being fancy! Maybe I'll get to attend a big Dietitians' xmas party one dayTongue out.

I also reeeeallllllly hope I passed my Chem class. I struggled with Chem. That crap was hard! I studied for 8 hours for the final. I might cry if I did not pass. I know I did well in everything else. I just want a low C in Chem. I am not asking for much.
AND I have three more chem classes to go uggggh!

This is an AW thread but HI! and any hopes and wishes for you girls?

Re: I wish

  • I wish I could wear this gorgeous silver sequinned party dress I got to Jay's company party tomorrow... alas, I despise standing out and am too chickenshit to wear it in what will be a crowd of insurance people wearing black. Maybe I'll do insane shoes to make up for it...
  • I know its silly but I hope I actually get the stuff I asked for for christmas - people always ask me for lists... and then never give me whats on it. I dont get that. I actually really want the stuff on the list!!

    I also hope that my husband gets the raise his manager keeps saying shes putting him up for, and that I get the raise my boss promised me when I started.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:357fc6dd-9aa4-4799-8e1c-c8ae3e93f8b4Post:53b666bf-badd-4dca-9b1f-f308d270d018">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wish I could wear this gorgeous silver sequinned party dress I got to Jay's company party tomorrow... alas, I despise standing out and am too chickenshit to wear it in what will be a crowd of insurance people wearing black. Maybe I'll do insane shoes to make up for it...
    Posted by alixzafiris[/QUOTE]

    Alix, PIP?! I bet you'd look stunning in that!
  • go to the festival?

    (c'mon, musical theater know you thought it too)
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  • I hope I can find a new job soon.  I hate my job right now and can't stand to be in this hellhole 1 more minute.

    2013 Reading Challenge

    2013 Reading Challenge
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:357fc6dd-9aa4-4799-8e1c-c8ae3e93f8b4Post:a6677f5a-e4d9-4802-bda0-ad7e8c89cd44">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]I know its silly but I hope I actually get the stuff I asked for for christmas - people always ask me for lists... and then never give me whats on it. I dont get that. I actually really want the stuff on the list!! I also hope that my husband gets the raise his manager keeps saying shes putting him up for, and that I get the raise my boss promised me when I started.
    Posted by Nebb[/QUOTE]

    I don't think that is silly at all. People did this for our wedding. I was greatful for the gifts, but we don't use them.

    I hope you guys get raises too!
  • Ricks - I didn't like Chemistry either.  Ugh.  I'm sure you passed, though!
  • ahhh... I too wish I had a big decked out Christmas party to go to.  Sad day.
  • Cougar, what do you do?
  • I hope I get through another day of 8 to 5 on the internet with no work.

    I want to shoot myself.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:357fc6dd-9aa4-4799-8e1c-c8ae3e93f8b4Post:d073d083-43f4-47e1-926a-3f5c214d1e22">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ricks - I didn't like Chemistry either.  Ugh.  I'm sure you passed, though!
    Posted by cocoreo3[/QUOTE]

    I hope so! I hate it and I really don't get it at all.
  • I hope the Christmas bonus my boss mentioned right before Thanksgiving isn't one of those things he said and then forgot about later.

    And I hope you passed Chem as well.  That shiit is hard.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I wish I knew if we got this apartment we are hoping to rent already. I am stressed that we will find out on Christmas Day and I will have only a week to pack and do all the mail forwarding and FI is away on Christmas so I will have to pack his stuff too and I may kill myself if I do that....

    I also wish my school was over already. I have two more exams next week and I really wish today was next Friday when I know I am done.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:357fc6dd-9aa4-4799-8e1c-c8ae3e93f8b4Post:fd57eba3-868f-4a6a-bd50-19c0793d9a4f">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]I hope the Christmas bonus my boss mentioned right before Thanksgiving isn't one of those things he said and then forgot about later. And I hope you passed Chem as well.  That shiit is hard.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    I always hate that "Did she/he really mean it?" feeling. And TY!
  • Is it a bad thinig that I actually love Chemistry?  I hope hope hope that I do well on my final on Monday.  I need a B- to pass this class and then I am done with course work.  Please please please!
    We'll just not tell H about this little fact, m'kay?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I wish my headache and dehydrated feeling would go away.

    I wish my four o'clock appointment would cancel today.

    I wish I could time travel to Christmas Eve, enjoy Christmas, and then time travel again to maybe a week before the wedding.  I'm so over it and I just want it to be here already.

    I also wish I hadn't let FI put the ridiculous decanter he wanted just because he thought it looked cool on our registry.  We don't need a decanter or have room for it, and of course, people are buying off our registry for Christmas and what's the first thing bought off it?  The decanter.  We actually NEED dishes and a new toaster and the practical stuff!  Grr.
    two years!
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  • I wish we didn't have martini night last night because right now I feel like my head's going to explode and I'm going to vomit all over everything.

    I hope Ang passed her Chem class!
  • Jaki, I am done! I was about to lose my mind too. I studied more than I ever have this semester. It also takes me 2 hours to get to school and two hours to get home. I was starting to get some really bad road rage.

  • that the additional budget cuts coming in January were just a rumor =(
  • In Response to <a href="">I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]I had one of those fancy Christmas parties to go to like some people get to attend. I love dressing up. I like being fancy!
    Posted by ricksang[/QUOTE]

    I just walked past The Limited at the mall and saw so many cute holiday dresses and I wished the same thing!  We used to have a fancy Christmas party every year for my H's old job, but he left there and we moved away and now we don't.  :(
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE] go to the festival? (c'mon, musical theater know you thought it too)
    Posted by sucrets4[/QUOTE]

    You, Cinderella?  The Festival?
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:357fc6dd-9aa4-4799-8e1c-c8ae3e93f8b4Post:17dc737f-5ef2-4a31-b7ac-337fec82d36e">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is it a bad thinig that I actually love Chemistry?  I hope hope hope that I do well on my final on Monday.  I need a B- to pass this class and then I am done with course work.  Please please please!
    Posted by raynes[/QUOTE]

    No. I admire people that can work Chemistry with ease. Now A&P, biochemical assessment, or any other sciences, it's on! I love science, just not Chem lol!
  • I also wish I had a fun Christmas party to go to.  H owns a business with one partner and I work for his partners dad in an office of 2.  No Christmas parties in sight :s 

    I also hope I get this job coming up!  I interview Thursday and cannot be more excited! 
  • bbyckesbbyckes member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2009
    I wish I could make it home for Christmas.

    EDIT: Alix, where else would you wear that dress if not too a Christmas party.  I say do eeet!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I wish : You, Cinderella?  The Festival?
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]

    The KING'S festival??
    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
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  • I work at a non-profit environmental group.  I'm kind of in the development and accounting offices.  The problem is I don't have a real job description and every time I ask for one, or for more responsibility they don't do it.  I've complained and they just retaliate.  They try to make me look like an idiot and blame things that I'm not even involved with on me.  It's just very hostile.

    Whew, thanks I needed to get that out to someone other than FI.

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    2013 Reading Challenge
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:357fc6dd-9aa4-4799-8e1c-c8ae3e93f8b4Post:bd0aa6bd-baa3-438a-b01a-3b290a5e267f">Re: I wish</a>:
    [QUOTE]I wish my headache and dehydrated feeling would go away. I wish my four o'clock appointment would cancel today. I wish I could time travel to Christmas Eve, enjoy Christmas, and then time travel again to maybe a week before the wedding.  I'm so over it and I just want it to be here already. I also wish I hadn't let FI put the ridiculous decanter he wanted just because he thought it looked cool on our registry.  We don't need a decanter or have room for it, and of course, people are buying off our registry for Christmas and what's the first thing bought off it?  The decanter.  We actually NEED dishes and a new toaster and the practical stuff!  Grr.
    Posted by Brie2010[/QUOTE]

    Brie, too much to drink? And sorry, but the decanter thing made me laugh.
  • I wish we had a Christmas party too.  My work's holiday party was cancelled because of budget cuts, and no bonuses either. 

    Oh well, I'd rather have a job than a party.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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  • Oh yeah, also, I wish my parents were coming home for Christmas!  They go to FL in the winter and decided to stay down there this year.  It really sucks because this means we won't have our traditional Christmas Eve and I probably will only see one brother out of my huge brady bunch-esque family. 
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