I work at a non-profit agency and the chef who works here has become a good friend. He offered to cater my wedding and make my "wedding cheesecake" at cost. I am serving a full-course meal and like I said, am going to have cheesecake replace the traditional wedding cake (sheet cake will be available, however). The cost to cater it out would be wayyy over my budget, and my friend was trained in culinary arts while living in France, so needless to say I was ecstatic. However, he has a genetic disorder which has caused him to because very frail as he ages. I also have learned that he has cancer. He has not been to work in over a month because he is recovering from emergency surgery that is related to the cancer. I want the best for him and want him to get better, but I know it would make him sad if I told him that I had found another caterer. He is very giving that way and was really going over the top for my wedding. Also, if he could not cater my wedding I would have to make A LOT of sacrifices due to the budget. My wedding is in five months. That is enough time for things to get better or get a lot worse. Problem is, i need to start finding a caterer pretty soon if he is not going to be up to it. I am nervous about my budget, but absolutely do not want to stress him out or make him feel obligated to do something he isn't up to. What should I do? Wait, talk to him about it, or just look for another caterer? Would it be reasonable to ask him to still make the cheesecakes?
FYI: there will be between 75-100 people eating at the reception
My food budget is about $800 or so