Wedding Etiquette Forum

I am stealing this..


Re: I am stealing this..

  • I've been on a Carnival cruise! I was 12 at the time, but it was so much fun.
  • I did it on SB but I'll do it on E too :)

    Favorite memory of 2011. Going to the Wildfire fire spinning convention/camping trip in August, H passing his EMT exams and getting hired, and getting re-admitted to grad school.  Also, the one I forgot was my BIL getting engaged and being there for it.

    Least favorite memory of 2011. Goes without saying, but all the crap that went down in September with my H.

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012? Finishing my graduate courses, going on our cruise in less than two weeks!  And hopefully trying for a baby later in the year.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I am stealing this..</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: I am stealing this.. : That's the one we're doing!  I'm so excited. Sherr, I've never been on Carnival before.  I've only done one cruise and it was with Royal Caribbean.
    Posted by adamar15[/QUOTE]

    I went on the one you are going on 2 years ago and it's a blast! 

    "You wore a tit dress at an AIDS party??? You need to go to the whore corner with Mara " - Blue
  • Since people have started sharing their NYE plans, I will too. TBH, on TK my mind always goes to "Not Yet Engaged" when I see NYE so I was confused untill someone started talking about New Years Eve plans.

    Every year for the past 5 or so my cousins and some friends get all dressed up in prom dresses/other really nice dresses and suits and go to O'Charley's then back to someone's house for the rest of the night. We're not going to O'Charley's this year because one of my cousins just became vegetarian and there isn't much choice there for him. But we're still going to get all dressed up and go somewhere where that isn't necessary, but awesomely fun.
  • DUDE BAY I still say we need to take that one chick out. I mean tiki torches and all.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3628e120-9527-4211-88af-d88642c5184aPost:6c6fcc52-94ee-4e32-8a2d-797a3575f5e8">Re: I am stealing this..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Adamar - I don't want to be a debbie downer, but if you drink milk, make sure you check the cartons on Carnival ships. I don't know if we just got really unlucky but 4 out of 10 of us ended up with spoiled milk cartons when we did a Carnival cruise. Everything else was good though.
    Posted by lovethebeach16[/QUOTE]

    Thanks for the heads-up.  My H drinks milk like it's going out of style.  I'll make sure he checks the dates.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:3628e120-9527-4211-88af-d88642c5184aPost:b11f93b6-7a68-4acb-8d4f-2d158650124b">Re: I am stealing this..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Trifury - I plan on it.  Mississippi will be my 9th state and 9th marathon.  So The Flying Pig and Ohio will be my 10th.  I hear you can join after getting 10 states.  But it has always seemed like a pipedream so I haven't done much research on it.  
    Posted by crfb87[/QUOTE]

    I have a friend who is doing it.  She is up to 25 or 26 states right now.  Last year she did back-to-back marathons, Saturday and Sunday.  I have 3 states but it isn't my favorite distance so I'm not likely to pursue it.  Although when I hit 50 in a few years and panic that I should do something to mark the ocassion I may change my mind.
  • Sounds like a bunch of new babies in 2012/2013!!

    Bay - I'm also looking forward to our GTG in January!!

    Adamar - we really enjoyed that cruise.  It was our first trip together just the 2 of us.  We did the dine at your own time thing.  We never waited more than 5 minutes for a table for 2.  In Cozumel we went to see the ruins at Tulum.  In Belize we walked around probably should have worried for our safety a bit more.  On Isla Roatan, we took a cab to a private beach (okay, so it was like $20 each to go this beach), but it was so pretty.  Plus my DH and the cabbie tried to communicate with DH's high school Spanish and the driver's poor English.  It was actually really fun.
  • OMG THE GTG.  HOW DID I FORGET?  I am so looking forward to that!

    Rosie -- bahahahaha.  It's been a pretty quiet five weeks since we went to that party where she acted like an idiot.  She wanted to invite H to her NYE party, but that only came up once and it was never discussed again.  A few weeks ago I asked H if we could have a party at our own house, and he said sure.  He's working that evening (he gave me the login and password to his online scheduling service) until midnight, but he'll be over after.  He wasn't dumb enough to suggest that we invite her. 

    I'm hoping that the counselor convinces him to get rid of her completely in 2012. 

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • We're thinking about doing the same cruise, but on Holland, in February or March.  H is such a horrible traveler, we thought it'd be nice to skip airports and tons of packing/unpacking.
  • I hope so too bay. He has to see what a wretch she is soon. How she clearly only wants men in relationships and how that isn't a good basis for a friendship. Plus he should see how you should come first over that crazy biitch.
  • I hope so, Rosie.

    Mica that sounds like a plan :)

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Bay - I had to go look through old posts to remember what day it was.  Now it is OFFICIALLY on my outlook calendar (Jan 22 if you forgot).

    Oh that silly girl.  Yeah, your H really needs to wake up and in the paraphrased words of Dave Coulier:
  • Can I add to my least favorite memories?

  • Favorite memory of 2011
    My niece's 3rd birthday, my DC trip and of course the g2g, and getting pregnant!

    Least favorite memory of 2011
    My uncle passing away.

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012?
    Baby Fezz being born!  I'm also looking forward to J's best friend's wedding.  I'm sure there's other things that are slipping my mind.
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    6.6.12 | 7 lbs 9 oz | 20 inches
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  • Isla Roatan Pictures

  • Favorite memory of 2011.
    Chris turning one.
    Max has grown up enough to be "de-kennneled" during the day. He's still a bedhog. Meeting some of you lovely people online and IRL.
    And, quite frankly, turning in my resignation last Wednesday.

    Least favorite memory of 2011.
    My grannie died 2 weeks ago. But she is much better off.
    My supervisor's reaction to my resignation, and everything that led up to it.
    These weeks upon weeks upon weeks of daily migraines. They are making me unhealthy, and I know it.

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012?
    This weekend, I'm heading to Texas, and will see a headache specialist, and probably spend some time in the hospital breaking the cycle and figuring out a way to make it not happen.
    Finding a new job that makes me feel wanted and needed, but that I can leave at work when the day is over.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I am stealing this..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Jemmini, that sounds like us.  We're planned on going to Europe this year as my "consolation" prize for going to Hawaii on the honeymoon.  <strong>We want to do it before having the kiddos</strong>. The cruise was our first vacation together we both just loved it.  It was so relaxing, since everything was planned for you and you were totally disconnected from the real world.  Plus, cruises can be pretty inexpensive.
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]

    Same here, I told H no kids until I've been to Europe (H lived there, so he doesn't count).  But his grandma wants to plan a big family trip for us to all go visit the rest of the family in France, so that's why we're going there relatively soon.
  • Favorite memory of 2011: our vacation to the North Shore, which culminated in our engagement!

    Least favorite memory of 2011: struggling with depression and weight gain

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012: our wedding day!
  • Favorite memory of 2011
    The first full day of the honeymoon. Not going to lie, I loved it more than the wedding.

    Least favorite memory of 2011
    Getting the call that my aunt died.

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012?
    Taking a few trips and seeing some babies be born!
  • Favorite memory of 2011. - Trip to St John, proposal on one knee the day we came home from St John.  Getting a great new job in Sept 2011.  It has been a good year with lots to be thankful for.

    Least favorite memory of 2011.  - Being the new kid in my new town in Western NY.  It is getting better all the time though.

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012?   I would be remiss if I wasn't looking forward to the wedding on July 4, 2012 the most.  But 2012 is going to be a fun year with a few trips, a closing on a house in St John, a daughter who graduates college, and my mother turning 75. 
  • Favorite memory of 2011. crossing the half marathon finish line

    Least favorite memory of 2011. spraining my ankle

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012? january cabin vacation, losing more weight, getting better at the bass, getting more renovation stuff done on the house
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I am stealing this..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Our favorite was Isla Roatan.
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]
    This is where we honeymooned. What did you see there?
  • We just took a cab from the dock to the other side of the Island and laid on the beach.  The winding drive was just gorgeous and the beach was so peaceful. 

    We were only there about 3 hours.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: I am stealing this..</a>:
    [QUOTE]Adamar - where are you going?  We took the 7 day Western Caribbean Cruise on Carnival out of Tampa.  We went to <strong>Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Belize, and Isla Roatan.</strong>  Our favorite was Isla Roatan.  It is GORGEOUS!  Also, we really enjoyed leaving Tampa, since the boat passes under the Sunshine Skyway.  But we're engineering dorks like that.
    Posted by MattsPenguin[/QUOTE]

    This is a cruise H and I want to take eventually.  We're getting way ahead of ourselves with planning vacations though, we are pretty much booked out till 2014 with vacations.  Hawaii and maybe back to Cabo this year (2012), France/Germany in 2013, and then maybe we'll finally get to the cruise in 2014.
  • Jemmini, that sounds like us.  We're planned on going to Europe this year as my "consolation" prize for going to Hawaii on the honeymoon.  We want to do it before having the kiddos.

    The cruise was our first vacation together we both just loved it.  It was so relaxing, since everything was planned for you and you were totally disconnected from the real world.  Plus, cruises can be pretty inexpensive.
  • Favorite memory of 2011. Going to San Fran for Giants Opening Day with my H. I was so proud of those guys for winning the world series last year, so opening day was better than any of the past years we've gone. I know this sounds crazy, but I feel like the players are part of my family. Haha!

    Least favorite memory of 2011. My dad passing away suddenly in January

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012? My husband just got a 100%+ raise, so I'm looking forward to fun trips, new furniture and fixing up our house. 

    New Year's Eve will be spent consuming too much Bud Light and hanging out with lots of great friends 
  • Favorite memory of 2011.  so many... H being excited about his new job, Mexico, New Hampshire, holidays with family.

    Least favorite memory of 2011. H leaving for CO not knowing how long it would be before I get a job and can move.

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012?  Moving to CO, my grandp'a b-day party, trip to Mexico.  Mostly in that order :).
  • Best Memories of 2011: Getting married, graduating from law school, passing the bar, getting hired to be a lawyer. 

    Worst Memories of 2011: Taking the bar, Working in the Cubicle of Doom for my temp job.

    Looking forward to in 2012: Trip to St. John with H and some friends and hopefully buying a new car.
  • Favorite memory of 2011
    Buying a house, getting engaged, and finding out I'll have another niece.

    Least favorite memory of 2011
    Finding out my mom has Lupus and having my 16 yr old sister visit for a whole.fn.week.

    What are you looking most forward to in 2012?
    Wedding planning (how bad can it be, right? haha) and my mom coming to visit.
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