Wedding Etiquette Forum

Have you had an affair? KPS BPS NPS

After looking through all the secrets that have been posted, ALOT are about cheating on Hs, FIs, etc. I thought it might be interesting to bring it to the boards (not sure if this has already been done though-sorry if it's a repeat).

Late night poll!
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Re: Have you had an affair? KPS BPS NPS

  • Never.  I would never do that. 
  • Never have, never would. If I wanted to be with someone else, I'd leave.
  • I'm with ya!

    I realize some of the secrets could be fake, but that one about talking to her husband on the phone WHILE having sex with another man just makes my skin crawl. How could someone do that to their H?!

    ?imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • Whoa, I think I missed that one. Or blocked it from memory haha
  • It was just posted today on the NPS
    ?imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
  • It really saddens me that so many of the secrets focus on cheating.  As you guys said, it could all be lies, but I can't believe so many people don't take their vows seriously.  I also get annoyed with songs about cheating, though, so I might just be extra-sensitive to it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have you had an affair? KPS BPS NPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm with ya! I realize some of the secrets could be fake, but that one about talking to her husband on the phone WHILE having sex with another man just makes my skin crawl. How could someone do that to their H?!
    Posted by klovesd[/QUOTE]

    I would have thought that it might be a situation they were both into (which would be fine as long as everyone involved was consenting), except for the comment at the end about her H being an asshole.  So yeah, that's pretty disgusting.
  • nope but i cheated on my exbf. i never would cheat on my fiance
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  • I couldn't live with myself if I cheated. And luckily I'm married to one of the worst liars in the world, so he'd never be able to cheat and get away with it for long. We're both of the mindset that if we wanted to be with someone else, then we would be, no reason to go against our vows and continue on in a relationship we no longer cared about.

    I think I'm overly judgmental about cheating because of my dad, though. He had an affair then married "the other woman," so I had to live with that horrible excuse for a woman for 8 years until he wised up and left her.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have you had an affair? KPS BPS NPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Never have, never would. If I wanted to be with someone else, I'd leave.
    Posted by nda_roxybabe[/QUOTE]
    This.  I just do not understand people who cheat.

    And the thought of even kissing someone who's not D turns my stomach.
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  • I can't even cheat on my FI in my dreams.  I start freaking out and worrying IN the dream.  It won't ever happen.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have you had an affair? KPS BPS NPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't even cheat on my FI in my dreams.  I start freaking out and worrying IN the dream.  It won't ever happen.
    Posted by Meg1979[/QUOTE]

    Sometimes I have dreams where in the dream, FI doesn't exist, and I'm on a date with someone or whatever.  But as soon as I kiss that person, I start to remember that FI exists and the dream turns into an emotional nightmare.
  • OMG No never.....I am not a cheater I feel that if you want to be with other people then you shouldn't even be in a relationship let alone getting/be married...I think that is one of the worst things you could do to a person, I have ben cheated on by an ex and it hurts! I would never ever cheat  on my hubby-to-be and I know he wouldnt on me either.....Love him wayyy to much to even think about it...
  • Absolutely not. I'm never even attracted to another guy enough to want to cheat because I adore my FI.....not to mention that goes against everything I believe in. The only person I have cheated on my FI with in my dreams even, was Lady Gaga lmao.
  • haaa where are these posts??? sounds like entertaining posts to read while im at work... but the answer is absolutely not. never even been in a situation where i thought about it.
  • i have cheated in the past...pretty much every relationship but i have never cheated on FI.  i don't know why it is different (i've been married before and i loveD first hubby) but it is. FI was also a "dog" before me (we worked together and were really good friends before anything so i know EVERYTHING) and i'm not sure what changed in him either...maybe cause he's pushing 30 and has 2 kiddos and it's time to grow up? LOL
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  • Not worth it, no amount of desire could or would ever win over the feeling of my FI and I and our love and trust!

  • I notice that none of the 7 that said "yes, multiple times" posted.
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