Wedding Etiquette Forum

Addressing Envelopes

This may seem like a silly question, and maybe I should already know the answer, but I am sending out my save-the-dates and have a question: When sending them to married couples, should I address the envelopes as:

Mr. & Mrs. James Smith
1 Main Street
City, State

Do I use this format when sending to my friends? For example my friend Jane... Do I address is to Mr. and Mrs. James Smith? Or do I address it to Jane and James Smith?

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Re: Addressing Envelopes

  • I'll address my friends however I know they prefer -- a lot of mine would roll their eyes at being referred to a Mrs. James Smith -- even ones who took their husband's last name.

    For family I asked my mom and FMIL if they knew of anyone who might be offended by the traditional formatting; otherwise that's what I did.
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