It's a beautiful day here in NC so FI and I left the back door open so the dogs could go in and out freely. There has been a small hole in the fence that FI and I have tried to fix multiple times but the dog on the other side keeps breaking it. We were inside when we heard our littleist (?) dog crying and the neighbors dog growling. Sure enough, our Loki was in the neighbors yard being attacked by their pitt bull. FI scaled the fence and saved Loki, and luckily he only has a very minor puncture wound but it has shaken me enough to wonder if theres anything we can do.
The way the fence is built we can add wood all we want but the neighbors dog will be able to butt into it enough to break it. FI put a cement block in front of the hole on the neighbors side last time this happened and their dog moved it. My only thought is to offer to pay for the wood if the neighbors will nail it in on their side. The man that lives there seems like he would maybe do it but the woman is rude as hell and I'm not sure she would see the problem.
I don't know if it's worth calling animal control or not. If she wanted to kill Loki she would have. On the other hand, this has been a continuing issue and the neighbors don't seem to see the problem.
Any advice? I'm googling solutions as well.