Wedding Etiquette Forum

Since TK isn't letting me edit my other post.. another photography question

Did you have the photographer there while you and your BMs were getting hair and makeup done?

if you didn't, do wish you did?

Re: Since TK isn't letting me edit my other post.. another photography question

  • I did not, the photographers arrived just after we had finished. My hair stylist had to be gone by a certain time and the MUA was suffering from either morning sickness or food poisoning, so we were trying to get her out of there asap.

    One of my BMs took a few shots during hair and makeup, which was nice but I really wouldn't be missing them if they weren't there. It was good to have the extra time before all the craziness.
  • I didn't and didn't miss them being there. We took a few pics on our cameras and they're fun, but nothing that would have made it into a photo album.

    The photographer was there when I was getting dressed so we did have those getting ready pics and they were some of my favorites (and were put into the professional album). The photographer's assistant was with the groom and got some of his getting ready pics too, which we also selected for the album.
  • No. My photog arrived a little early and got there as I was getting into my dress. I wanted more fun formal stuff and key moments at the reception. Rather than me with no makeup. She got pics of my mom helping me with my jewelery and mom and BMs zipping my into my dress.
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  • Our photographer will do getting ready shots while I'm getting in my dress and FI is getting in his tux.

    It's really the hair and makeup shots that I'm wondering about.
  • No, the photographer didn't come until our hair and makeup was done. He took some pics of me before I put my gown on, and then me getting dressed. I didn't miss it really.. my mom and sister took some pictures while we were getting ready.
  • Hair and makeup, no, since I went to the salon and I think it would have cost extra for the photographers to go to another location (on top of the church and reception and the park where we took extra pictures). But they were there when we were getting ready at the hotel.
  • I wanted my photographer there to photograph me getting dressed and my dress and details.  She came early so I got some during my hair/makeup which was a bonus. And while it's nice to have, I wouldn't worry about not having it if you're wondering.
  • My photog was there for hair and makeup.  Not all of it, my hair was 95% done when he arrived, but he took some snapshots of the moms and BMs getting hair done as well as my makeup.  I really loved some of my makeup shots; they felt very.. I dunno, iconicly wedding-y?  It also gave my photographer the opportunity to do my headshots while I was waiting for the other girls to get done; AND because of that he was able to have my stylist fix my bangs because he felt they were too much in my face for the photos.

    Obviously it's not necessary, but I like having those pictures.  Since my photographer charged a flat fee for the whole day it didn't hurt to have him come earlier...
  • quirky75quirky75 member
    500 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited January 2012
    No, my photographer didn't come until after we were done at the salon. One of my bridesmaids takes pics at all our parties/hangouts/etc so she was running around taking pics of everyone anyway. I have a nice group pic of us all done up at the salon that is nice, but I didn't need any salon pics and don't regret the lack of pro pics then.
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