Wedding Etiquette Forum

Bachelorette party gift ideas

My friends bach party is tomorrow night and I have no idea what to get her! We are starting the night out at another friend's house so she can open gifts. I've never been to a bachelorette party so I have no clue what to get. The invitation said anything goes, which I take to mean that naughty gifts are acceptable but I still don't want to get something that make her or guests feel awkward or uncomfortable. Any ideas?

Re: Bachelorette party gift ideas

  • Hmm..I've never done gifts before. But what about a VS gift card? I know I love getting those because I rarely splurge on myself there.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • I didn't know people did gifts at bachelorette parties.  I thought it was a "your presence is the present" kind of thing.

    But if you are going to get one, maybe a cute apron or something?
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • I've given lingerie before.  I usually stick to the "slip dress" style, especially if they have ones that tie in the back cause then I don't have to be quite so accurate as to bra size.  And include a gift receipt.
  • VS gift card, or some fun massage lotions/oils.  I know VS has one with dice inside the bottle. 
  • never done a b-party gift.... I would much prefer a GC to VS or something than a bunch of raunchy undies
  • I didn't know people got gifts until I went to my first party 2 years ago, and apparently, every party I've been invited to (or friends' have been invited to) did this. I just bought my friend a VS gift card.  Some of the other girls chipped in a got her a white silk robe that said "Bride" in rhinestones.  Another suggestion is a Wedding themed bubble bath set from Philosophy." alt="" />

    The one thing I think is a waste are gag gifts.  I know some people spend $20+ for the "blushing bride" and most of my friends toss those things after the party.
  • Maybe you could try sachets, lip gloss, candles...something romantic but safe.
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