Wedding Etiquette Forum



Re: Morning!

  • Beanie - That's almost as good as finding $$ in your pocket :).
  • That's crazy Beanie!

    I just woke up and H is still sleeping. He never sleeps this late and we've both slept in the past two days. It's been great. I'm thinking about making some pancakes now. Yummmmm
  • edited January 2012
    Yay Beanie!  Late presents are fun!  My mom usually forgets where she puts one or two Christmas gifts, and has to give it to us after Christmas.  Its great.

    ETA: 'one or two Christmas gifts', I realized I didn't specify.
  • Hi Birdie!  Thanks to the dog, I'm up fairly early every morning.  Days off is one of the times I miss H being here.  We split dog duty so we each get a chance to sleep in :).
  • I love finding stuff like that! I know I am late to the Tudors discussion, but I love that show. I have been DVR'ing it since we stopped having Showtimw an HBO. I want to make one of the gowns when I get my new sewing machine.
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  • The gowns are pretty awe inspiring.
  • GeauxTigers17GeauxTigers17 member
    edited January 2012
    Good morning everybody! We are finally back home. I so don't want to go back to work, but getting back into a routine will be nice. It's been a crazy few weeks between my wedding/honeymoon, Christmas, and my sister's deb ball. 

    Rosie, why can't you keep the kitty? Landlord? Not that I blame you, I have two rescue cats and people try to give me more cats all the time. Not happening. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Morning!</a>:
    [QUOTE]How did the wedding go Geaux?
    Posted by aleighk1[/QUOTE]

    <div>So well! I am so lucky. No mishaps and a couple of things I was unsure about (for example, the choir that sang at the wedding, I had not heard before, I am just friends with one of the sopranos and the director was doing me a favor) turned out awesome. I'll post pictures as soon as I have them. All I have right now is a couple of snapshots from Facebook. </div>
  • Hey Geaux!  So glad everything went well.  I'm glad the choir worked out.  I know you were nervous about that.
  • Thanks Loopy! Did all of y'all have a good Christmas? I feel so out of the loop now!
  • From what I've heard everyone had a good Christmas.  It's been SO SLOW around here.  Probably will pick up tomorrow.
  • I have popped in to read every now and then on my phone and I noticed that. I am going to run - our apartment is a hot mess. I went on a rampage cleaning things out yesterday, but now there are boxes everywhere. We have the sweetest friends you could ask for, and I have no idea where I am going to put everything!
  • Welcome back, Geaux and Emily!  And big, painkilling hugs to Mr. Bay.

    And good morning, everyone else!  Its snowing and windy here, and I need to walk to the grocery store.  Boo.  But otherwise, I have plans to work out today and watch football.  Should be good.

    I am also sad the holidays are over.  They go too fast.  I hate this time every year - I just feel so down.  I am actually leaving for Europe Thursday for work.  I'll be there for two and a half weeks, which will be nice and I'm really lucky I get to go, but one of the things I am down about this year is not seeing H for a few weeks. 
  • Meg, will you have any time to do anything fun?  Where in Europe are you going?
  • Loopy - I'll be in Spain.  Mostly around Barcelona.  I'll be pretty busy, but there will be some time for fun, and the hotel I am in most of the time is on the Mediterranean, which is awesome.  I know it won't be totally warm out, but it will definitely be warmer than Chicago!
  • Awesome.  My brother and SIL spent Christmas last year in Barcelona.  They loved it.  I think it was one of their favorite places in Europe.
  • Happy New Year everyone! It is so dead at work, so i'm just playing Fruit Ninja on my phone.
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