Wedding Etiquette Forum

February Wedding Colors

I am having my wedding in February, and am confused on color choices.  I have been told by a few people that you should stick to the color pallet for the month.  Blue and Silver in this case.  However, I am very attached to the October color palet.  Is it wrong to use the October colors?  I live in Florida, so we do not really have winter colors.  So I guess what my question is, is it ok to use the October colors in Feb?

Re: February Wedding Colors

  • You can use whatever colors you want!
  • If you want to use October colors for your February wedding use the October colors. There is no rule to what colors you can use during which month.
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  • I think im doign the october colors.  I like them way more.

  • I had no idea months had colors. Out of curiosity, what are the October colors?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: February Wedding Colors</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: February Wedding Colors : I didn't know this either.  Who decided blue and silver were February colors, too?  
    Posted by yaga13[/QUOTE]

    <div>Good question.  If I had to assign colors to months, blue and silver would probably be Jan, definitely not Feb.  Feb would be red, pink and white!</div>
  • Do whatever colors you want!
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  • Uh oh... I guess I'll have to leave my blue and silver Christmas tree up until after February so I use it in its proper month.
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