Wedding Etiquette Forum

Invitation Questions (Part II, edited since TK is a douche and won't show my edits on the other post

ETA: So, after hurting my head over-thinking this, I'm just going to do the whole "The honour of your presence at x and x's wedding" thing. It's so much easier, and it is still appropriate since it is a religious service. I really didn't want to put more thought into this than necessary! Thanks for all of your help!

Is this wording:

Maegan (last name) and Rudy (last name)
SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 AT 4:30 PM
(church name here)
(address here)

(reception venue name and address here)

On this invite:

with a different textured RSVP postcard (both matte linen, just different)

Re: Invitation Questions (Part II, edited since TK is a douche and won't show my edits on the other post

  • In Response to <a href="">Invitation Questions (Part II, edited since TK is a douche and won't show my edits on the other post)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is this wording: Maegan (last name) and Rudy (last name) <strong>INVITE YOU TO WITNESS AS THEY UNITE IN MARRIAGE</strong> SEPTEMBER 15, 2012 AT 4:30 PM (church name here) (address here) SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS (zip here) RECEPTION TO FOLLOW <strong>FROM 6 PM-12 AM</strong> (reception venue name and address here) On this invite: with a different textured RSVP postcard (both matte linen, just different) okay?
    Posted by DeadUtopia[/QUOTE]
    I personally don't like that wording and would probably say something like "Invite you to witness their marriage". To me, it just sounds weird the way you have it.

    I'm also not a fan of putting the end time on the invitation. I'd personally just put "reception to follow at 6pm".
  • Thanks! I've never actually received a wedding invitation to serve as a base except for recently, and I'm not a fan of the poem-y, flourished words that Google gives me. I guess I'm a novice at this stuff, and TK just has to be a superdick today so I know I'm not getting the responses I would if it were working normally. Nixing the end time on the invite does sound better too.
  • I actually wouldn't put a time for the reception. Just "reception to follow."

    I agree that the wording of "witness as they unite in marriage" is awkward.

    What about "request the pleasure of your company as they unite in marriage" or "request the pleasure of your company at the celebration of their marriage."

    This is one reason I don't like putting the names of the couple at the top! My wording was:

    "The honour of your presence is requested at the marriage of..."
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  • DeadUtopiaDeadUtopia member
    Ninth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Invitation Questions (Part II, edited since TK is a douche and won't show my edits on the other post)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I actually wouldn't put a time for the reception. Just "reception to follow." I agree that the wording of "witness as they unite in marriage" is awkward. What about "request the pleasure of your company as they unite in marriage" or "request the pleasure of your company at the celebration of their marriage."<strong> This is one reason I don't like putting the names of the couple at the top!</strong> My wording was: "The honour of your presence is requested at the marriage of..."
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]
    This! This is making it hard to find decent wording. I was just trying to be simple and fill in the blanks so I don't have to have the designer change anything, but I don't like having our names at the top either.
    ETA: Okay, I just IM'd them and they can change it for no charge. I'll probably just go that route then, like your wording. Thanks again! :)
  • cindyn9178cindyn9178 member
    1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Invitation Questions (Part II, edited since TK is a douche and won't show my edits on the other post):
    [QUOTE]I actually wouldn't put a time for the reception. Just "reception to follow." I agree that the wording of "witness as they unite in marriage" is awkward. What about "request the pleasure of your company as they unite in marriage" or "request the pleasure of your company at the celebration of their marriage." This is one reason I don't like putting the names of the couple at the top! My wording was: "The honour of your presence is requested at the marriage of..."
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]
    This kind of depends on when the reception starts in relation to the end of the ceremony? I saw a post the other day where someone said that the reception didn't start for a few hours after the ceremony, and they had no idea because the invitaton just said "reception to follow". Plus, by including a start time, those guests who don't plan on attending the ceremony will know what time to get there for the reception!
  • I do want to at least have the start time, because I know of a handful of people who will most likely not even attend the ceremony. It is at a different location and there's a little over a half hour gap not including driving time, so I'll play it safe and keep it.

    It's not weird to have reception info on the invite as opposed to a reception card? Our STD's will direct guests to the website so they can get all their info from there if they want more details when the wedding gets nearer.
  • I think the witness phrasing is awkward, but you could say "invite you to be a witness."
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Invitation Questions (Part II, edited since TK is a douche and won't show my edits on the other post)</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Invitation Questions (Part II, edited since TK is a douche and won't show my edits on the other post) : I personally don't like that wording and would probably say something like "Invite you to witness their marriage". To me, it just sounds weird the way you have it. I'm also not a fan of putting the end time on the invitation. I'd personally just put "reception to follow at 6pm".
    Posted by cindyn9178[/QUOTE]

    I think OP's wording is a little awkward as well, but I don't like invitations that say "witness their marriage" -- to me, marriage is what you have after the wedding. Guests aren't witnessing that, they're witnessing the marriage ceremony.
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