...and can I stop it before it happens?
Background: I want a very, very, VERY small wedding - think, just immediate family. My fiance wants a LARGE wedding - he wants to invite the entire regular attendance of his church (805 alone). My father stepped in and settled this by saying that he will very generously pay for our reception, but that can be a guest list of no more than 110 people. Jordan and I are currently in the process of haggling that out (our number is at 150 right now, we need to bring it down).
Here is the problem. I was only planning on inviting the one coworker that I am friendly with outside of work. We work in a large office so I figured it wouldn't be an issue. This coworker friend (M) and I recently got an apartment together, and needed a third roommate. She invited another coworker that SHE is friendly with, and I don't mind, to join our lease, and this coworker (K) agreed.
K stopped by my desk on her way out of work today and said, "Hey, remind me when your wedding is again? I need to fill out my leave request form so that I can used my leave hours!" I was in the middle of a phone call, so she told me to just leave it on a postit on her desk and she'd file the request tomorrow.
K was not on my invitation list, and I don't know that I can fit or, nor do I know that I want to TRY and fit her. I like her well enough, but she's not my favorite, and there are plenty of other people I would rather have there instead. While we have a long while before invitations go out, my dad would like our final list soon (we get different prices for adults/teens/kids at our venue, so the official count affects the price).
CN and the question all in on: As K is now my roommate, should I suck it up and put her on the invitation list and cut someone else out, or should I stick with my original plan and not invite her, and possibly step in a big pile of etiquette poo?
Sorry this got so long.