in the last 2yrs my fiance and i have overcome a lot. my family loves him, his family on the other hand doesn't exactly love me. his younger sis and i are finally cool but his older sis and stepmom are not- i don't want them there. older sis has tried several times to break us up w/trying to get me to cheat on him w/a guy from the gym (which she is now dating) -told him i had cheated on him w/a girl. the stepmom and i have had issues w/the oldersis but now i find out that they were both lying to me and even worse, stepmom is lying to his dad about it my fiance's relationship w/his dad isn't the greatest but i just don't want any of them there. they aren't nice ppl and unsuportive of us. any help or ideas would be great- my only thought is to just elope(which my family would be devastated by)