Wedding Etiquette Forum

How to properly address invite for a nickname

I have several friends that go by a nickname or by their middle name, how do I properly address their invitation? Some of these people, I'm not even sure of their legal name. For instance, for Robert Charles Lastname, that prefers Chuck, would we address it to Mr. and Mrs. Robert "Chuck" Lastname Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lastname Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Lastname Or any other variation?

Re: How to properly address invite for a nickname

  • edited March 2012
    My husband goes by a nickname - no one calls him Benjamin or Ben.  We used Benjamin on the invitations and programs but our officiant called him by his nickname during our ceremony.

    I think whatever makes you feel comfortable is fine.  We get invitations that are addressed to both his proper name and his nickname, but either way it gets to us and we certainly aren't offended, lol.  Etiquette sticklers might tell you to use his full proper name, but I don't think you absolutely need to.

    ETA - I'm of the belief that if he "prefers" his nickname he wouldn't mind you using it on his invitation.
  • When I was addressing invitations, if I knew their legal name, I used that. If I only knew what they went by, I used that. Only you can know if someone on your guest list will get offended for not using their legal name or using their legal name.
  • Chrissy, out of curiousity (maybe this is a stupid question), why do they look at the last name?
  • Oh, USPS definitely does not care about legal name.

    My nickname for my grandpa in Cali is "dumbass," and he's gotten mail delivered from me that was addressed to "Papa Dumbass Lastname" before.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:41291ba8-c9ca-48dd-a0e7-dae5c07b504fPost:5b61f90f-b697-48f4-99f4-12409a3b223b">Re: How to properly address invite for a nickname</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh, USPS definitely does not care about legal name. My nickname for my grandpa in Cali is "dumbass," and <font color="#ff00ff">he's gotten mail delivered from me that was addressed to "Papa Dumbass Lastname" before</font>.
    Posted by AllAboutTheBenjamin[/QUOTE]

    That made me giggle!
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