Wedding Etiquette Forum

no gifts please

  It states everywhere that to say no gifts is bad, but we really  don't want any gifts.  Is there any tasteful way to state no gifts on the invitations?

Re: no gifts please

  • No, there really isn't. You can gracefully decline if someone asks you directly, but to mention gifts on an invitation assumes that people plan to give a gift, which is not polite.
  • No tasteful way to state it.  If you have a wedding website you can state it there, or just have your family spread it word of mouth if anyone happens to ask. 
  • You could let your parents and WP know, so they can tell people if asked.

  • I wish there was.. to appease our parents we registered for things we absolutely did not ( my house was completely furnished with new things right before I met DH). It's been a pain returning everything...
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  • Don't say anything about it on the invitations.  Let people know individually as they begin to ask where you are registered, what you want, etc.  It's impolite to mention gifts on an invitation because that makes it seem like you expext gifts as a condition of attending the wedding.  Putting "no gifts" implies that you *know* you should be getting gifts, but you're refusing them, which is also a tad rude to refuse a gift..

    Anyway, just don't register, tell people "thanks for the thought, but we really don't need anything" if you're asked, and smile and be gracious for any gifts that may come your way.
  • I am glad I found this msg board with this topic because i have been wondering about it for weeks.  I think the advice of putting in on your wedding website and also having family spread the word is a great idea.  I have had a few friends recently married tell me to be sure you register SOMEWHERE, because there will always be people who want to buy you a gift and you may as well give them a place to go.  But this seems hard to address:  no gifts please, but if you must, we're registered at REI....  how do we get around this?

    thanks for advice!
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