Wedding Etiquette Forum

Wedding Invitation Etiquette

Question...How would you word the invitation if the groom's parents are contributing a significant amount of money towards the wedding and the brides parents are contributing a much smaller amount?
1) Both parents request the honor of your presence...
2) The grooms parents request the honor of your presence...

Re: Wedding Invitation Etiquette

  • cebrady89cebrady89 member
    edited January 2012
    You could say "together with their parents.". Who is really hosting the wedding? Paying more does not always equal hosting, though usually that is the case. You could do either of those options, but in my opinion since both sets of parents are contributing, you should either list both sets or use together with their families or don't list any host and say "you're presences is requested at the marriage of..." Hope that helps!
  • I think traditionally, who is listed indicates who is hosting. Since everyone is contributing (including FI's grandma) to our wedding, we chose to say "Together with their families..."

    Hope this helps!
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  • My daughter's invitations read

    Mom and Dad Bride
    Mom and Dad Groom

    request the honour of your presence
    at the wedding of their children

    Bride first and middle
    Groom first and middle


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