So a few months ago, a friend who I hadn't seen in a while but kept in touch with from time to time came to town. We had dinner. She knew I was getting married, and at the end of the dinner she said "Oh, if you have space, invite me, I will come and party." I can't for the life of me remember how I answered, other than probably trying to play it down.
Well, I sent out my invites 6 weeks before the wedding, and I remembered that conversation and felt that, since I couldn't remember what I said, I should probably invite her (to clarify: this isn't a B-list situation, I wasn't waiting for anyone to decline). So I asked her for her address, then came here and saw another thread that said it was way too late to invite out of towners.
She responded to my request for her address in a way that implied she was excited (I didn't specify what for).
I'm not a terrible person for inviting her, am I? I feel like I tried to fix a bad situation (not remembering what I told her) and made it worse, but I was so sure that she would like to be invited.
Oof. Tell me how I made a hash of things.