Wedding Etiquette Forum


(I can't link it from work - sorry guys.)

I don't think anyone would judge you for not liking the pet threads. Most of us are pet lovers, so I'm positive that as long as you're not out there hurting animals, everything's kosher. The only advice I have is the same advice the other girls give; if you don't like the animal talk, don't open the threads.

I love seeing everyone's pets (and kids for that matter). I have 2 puppies and it's nice to know I'm not the only one going insane trying to train them and putting up with their daily antics.

Re: New KPS

  • We are totally pet obsessed in this house. It's nice here on TK for me because I know I have that in common with a lot of the posters. I wouldn't judge anyone openly saying they were sick of it, but I would judge someone who said they hated animals. But that's just me. And judging and hating are two different things. As PP said, just do not open or participate in the threads. I, too, ignored all the Friends talk. Although I know on AM and PM threads sometimes we end up going the pet route in discussions, but there is usually another topic going as well.
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  • I'm not going to stop talking about Oz.

    Oz Oz Oz.

  • Fatty Catty is watching over my shoulder, so I dare not write anything but "I love my cats. My cats are awesome. I will talk about my cats all day."
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:46cfdcbe-fac6-4aac-97c9-b0ca35ffad5bPost:a9bfcdc5-9165-4258-9ea8-b68ececd9200">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]X is mad at me for taking her to the vet for shots and a bath yesterday. But she raps, y'all so it's all good. Thor is just an asshole. I also have tarantulas (well, H does). And a rat. X, THOR, BISCUIT, PICO, PORKCHOP, SUSHI! Would you like a visual (I won't do the T's because Aleigh hates that)?
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    T's! We have 2 catahoulas and 6 T's: Stryker, Lulu, Rosie, Boots, Obama, Bling Bling, Pumpkin, and Slash. We had 7 T's but one died. <img src="" border="0" alt="Cry" title="Cry" /> His name was Buckles.
  • I ignore most pet threads, the same way I ignored the Friends threads or other very topical NWR threads.  That is, until the thread grows to be three pages long, then I have to flip through it to find out who got butthurt.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]I adore that the KPS about how pet threads are annoying immediately turned into everyone talking about their pets  <3
    Posted by MyUserName1[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Once again, TK needs a like button.</div><div>
    </div><div>And, all this talk on pets makes me want a kitten.  But I don't have a coffee table for the kitten to play on :).  Damn apartments that won't allow pets.  </div><div>
    </div><div>The threads I don't open were the FF threads - sure, everyone else is happy with them.  This is my 1st year in a football obsessed house - I am still learning team names, and therefore could care less about FF.  So I don't click on them.  I just go on.  NBD.

  • apparently we post on the the knot.
  • edited December 2011
    Rosie, it took me a minute to figure out what you meant but I see what the KPS poster wrote. First it was the FFF and now it's the the knot.

    ETA: grammar
  • Meh, it is what it is.  I agree that this place is pet obsessed, but I'm kid obsessed so I can't put on my judgy pants when I don't understand the obsession.
  • I don't think it makes you a horrible person, but if you don't want to read the pet threads, don't click on them.  I avoid the threads about things I'm not interested in (the WoW threads from last year ring a bell).  It's NBD.

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  • I've never watched Friends so you can count me out of that too. However, I might be too pet-crazy (and I'm only learning this about myself right now). I'm finding it hard to keep the conversation going without talking about my pets. Embarassed 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:46cfdcbe-fac6-4aac-97c9-b0ca35ffad5bPost:4c469846-97b2-423c-916f-cff4fc152e53">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]We are totally pet obsessed in this house. It's nice here on TK for me because I know I have that in common with a lot of the posters. I wouldn't judge anyone openly saying they were sick of it, but I would judge someone who said they hated animals. But that's just me. And judging and hating are two different things. As PP said, just do not open or participate in the threads. I, too, ignored all the Friends talk. Although I know on AM and PM threads sometimes we end up going the pet route in discussions, but there is usually another topic going as well.
    Posted by Nickivegan[/QUOTE]

    Pets and kids are just easy to talk about. Something different happens with them everyday, unlike adults.
  • Obviously I love pets, but I guess I don't really see the pet obession. Most of the pet threads I see are generally asking for pet advice in which case you don't have to participate. Once an ANY thread goes into territory I don't like or know anything about I generally ignore it and move on.

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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE] That is, until the thread grows to be three pages long, then I have to flip through it to find out who got butthurt.
    Posted by mica178[/QUOTE]
  • Really KPS poster? 

    I am with Bay, do not click on the post if you do not want to read about "life" items.  I do not read every post that hits TK, and if I start to read one and it is offensive, or uninteresting to me I back up and do not read it.  Easy Peasy.  A wise, wise women once said to me,......only worry about that which you can control.......KPS poster, you can't control the flow (posts) of the board, so don't worry about it.  If the flow of the board is the biggest worry in your life, you are a lucky, lucky individual!
  • Oh hey, want to see a picture of my kitties snuggling together looking adorable?

    No? Too bad. 
  • X is mad at me for taking her to the vet for shots and a bath yesterday. But she raps, y'all so it's all good.

    Thor is just an asshole.

    I also have tarantulas (well, H does).

    And a rat.


    Would you like a visual (I won't do the T's because Aleigh hates that)?

  • I adore that the KPS about how pet threads are annoying immediately turned into everyone talking about their pets 

  • Birdie1483Birdie1483 member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    DJ, I wasn't pointing you out. It was just directed at all of the comments that I see about how people are annoyed with certain thread topics. I personally dont understand being annoyed by anything... well besides WR threads right after you just got married. :)

    ETA: But I know thats what you get when you're on a wedding website! :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:46cfdcbe-fac6-4aac-97c9-b0ca35ffad5bPost:2eef8e81-8b8c-4bf6-8fad-401291ff291e">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: New KPS : I've never heard anyone else say they had a catahoula - I had one I got from the pound at 6 weeks when I was in Louisiana. She wasn't quite the right size (Max the monster is), but she had the proper markings - blue and red leopard, marble eyes - so she was at least 1/2 catahoula. I think she was maybe a runt.
    Posted by missy68[/QUOTE]

    Cool! Glad to know there's someone else out there who's had one. H and I usually have to explain everything about them.

    We adopted one at a PetSmart event and we got the other from a breeder in Florida. Stryker is a black/grey/brown leopard and has honey/orange-ish colored eyes. Lulu is a grey/white leopard and she has grey/yellow eyes. I love them so much! They're such wonderful dogs.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:46cfdcbe-fac6-4aac-97c9-b0ca35ffad5bPost:a9bfcdc5-9165-4258-9ea8-b68ececd9200">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]X is mad at me for taking her to the vet for shots and a bath yesterday. But she raps, y'all so it's all good. Thor is just an asshole. I also have tarantulas (well, H does). And a rat. X, THOR, BISCUIT, PICO, PORKCHOP, SUSHI! Would you like a visual (I won't do the T's because Aleigh hates that)?
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    We have 6 T's and 2 catahoulas: Stryker, Lulu, Rosie, Boots, Obama, Bling Bling, Slash, and Pumpkin.

    We had 7 T's but one died a while back. His name was Buckles.

    ETA: Really TK? REALLY?
  • Currently, my new kitten keeps running and jumping onto a legal pad sitting on the coffee table. When he lands on it, it slides across the table and he rides on it until the other edge of the table, then jumps before it falls off. He then proceeds to turn around and do it back to the other side.
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  • I do think it's kind of dumb to say "Well then just don't open the threads!"  Around here, ANY thread can dissolve into pet talk.  I'm not judging, because I do it too.  I'm just saying, that doesn't really work in this case. 

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Currently, my new kitten keeps running and jumping onto a legal pad sitting on the coffee table. When he lands on it, it slides across the table and he rides on it until the other edge of the table, then jumps before it falls off. He then proceeds to turn around and do it back to the other side.
    Posted by raes19[/QUOTE]

    Haha that's too cute! Dakota is starting to grow out of doing stuff like that...unless it invovles the Christmas tree that she keeps trying to climb! Silly goose!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Currently, my new kitten keeps running and jumping onto a legal pad sitting on the coffee table. When he lands on it, it slides across the table and he rides on it until the other edge of the table, then jumps before it falls off. He then proceeds to turn around and do it back to the other side.
    Posted by raes19[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is the funniest visual!</div>
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:46cfdcbe-fac6-4aac-97c9-b0ca35ffad5bPost:41d5340e-ce59-4089-9cae-2ff967194ff3">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]Duckster - dude. we've talked about our T's before. You're a sillypants.
    Posted by LDYGTR13[/QUOTE]

    Oh yeah! <img src="" border="0" alt="Innocent" title="Innocent" />

    I forgot.
  • Hmmm. I guess I just fail to see how someone can get THAT annoyed by any topic on here.... save for the WR threads. :) I don't read Harry Potter, but when people start talking about it, I just find another thread to read. Or I check my email. Or I do something else.

    I understand being annoyed but... I guess I fail have sympathy?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New KPS</a>:
    [QUOTE]I do think it's kind of dumb to say "Well then just don't open the threads!"  Around here, ANY thread can dissolve into pet talk.  I'm not judging, because I do it too.  I'm just saying, that doesn't really work in this case. 
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
    This is true - I've been guilty of devolving a thread into pet talk. I get it, I mean - I personally don't care for baby/kid talk, so who am I to judge someone who doesn't appreciate pet talk?
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