Hello All,
I have an interesting situation going on with my FMIL. She has informed me that she will not sit with her husband (FH Father) at the reception at all. Her family lives far away and her relationship with her husband is awful so she wants to sit with her family. With her family living so far away she has always felt like an outsider with her husband's family and that life has always focused on his family. Personally, I don't care where she sits but it is killing my FH and the people that she doesn't want to sit with are the ones that my FH is closest too. Plus it is throwing some wrenches in my seating chart, which is a minor problem and doesn't really matter. What worries me most is my FH feelings and I don't want his day ruined with "Why aren't your parents sitting together?" and having to explain her issues.
Any ideas on how to handle this, how to help my FH, and how to deal with the "trouble" my FMIL is causing?