Wedding Etiquette Forum

can't tell if it's the quitting smoking or actual irritation - long, sorry

Hi ladies,

So I'm on day four of quitting smoking, cold turkey, and I'm doing okay, but with flashes of irritation. One of which just flared up and I can't tell if it's just quitting irritation, or legit. Help!

My FMIL is Korean and wonderful, and we are sending invites to her family, all of whom still live in Korea.

I asked FI to talk to her about getting the full names and address for all of her guests so we could mail the invites (the list she gave me was title only - ie "aunt 1", "aunt 2"). He's spoken to her several times about this in the last few weeks and when he called her again 2 days ago, she asked him to just bring her 20 invites for her to send.

When FI told me about this, I was like okay, does she want them for the Korean family or for all of FI side-of-family guests? He didn't know, and said he would talk to her about it.

So FI just called and said he had given the 20 invites to his dad to give to his mom., He said he talked to her and she wanted to send them for everyone on their side, but he didn't know, or ask, who the additional invites would be going to (origianal GL was for 10 invites) - may kill him later :)

Is it a bit "off" to send invitations in this fashion?
Am I being unreasonable to be annoyed by this? How would you handle this?   

Thank you! sorry this is so long!
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