Does anyone else take this a little personally? I shouldn't...the girl in question hasn't been my "real" friend in over ten years. We became FB friends, but never even exchanged pleasantries. I'm not the annoying type who updates my status daily, or says anything offensive. I'm the innocuous type who only checks in periodically, which is why I was surprised when she didn't show up on my news feed, despite remaining friends with our mutual friends.
Am I right to be a little upset by this? Or should I accept that some people periodically "prune" their friends lists and delete those who aren't actively part of their real/FB lives?
Personally, I hide people who are annoying, and only delete them if they message me with advertisements or perpetual invitations to events I clearly cannot attend. Otherwise, I just keep them me, "de-friending" people sends the message that I am actively discarding them from my life.