I posted a little about this last night, but some shiit went down at my work. My friend was caught stealing patients' narcotics and using them at work, and she was arrested on Monday. Turns out she's been doing it for over a year. I took PTO this week for finals, so I just found out about it last night when I saw it on the news. I was really shocked and upset by it, considering she was the last person on earth I ever thought would steal meds or have a drug problem. This is a sweet as pie, devout Christian, super mom type of person. She was a great nurse, and was even nominated for employee of the year. I am just stunned.
Aaanyway, I got a phone call at 6:30 this morning from my director of nursing. She said they were doing an investigation and questioning everyone who works on that unit, and drug testing everyone who could have touched that medicine bottle. I had a final this morning, and went to work right after for my questioning. And there was a uniformed cop in there! The DON never mentioned that on the phone, so it caught me off guard, and I was all nervous.
So I am sitting there telling them I knew nothing about any of all this (which I didn't!), but my voice is shaking and I'm trembling, and I'm visibly upset by it all, and then I'm aware that I sound guilty as sin, which made it worse.
I know I have nothing to worry about because I really didn't know, but they asked me all kinds of questions about my personal life and my friendship with this nurse who stole the drugs and it just made me super uncomfortable and now I'm probably on a DEA watch list or something.
Cheer me up?