Wedding Etiquette Forum

Remember the girl who asked me to be DOC?

I'm too lazy to search for the original post, but the basic story was that my friend's sister asked if I'd be interested in being her DOC and how much I'd charge.  I do have experience and my background is in stage managing and event coordinating, so it's definitely in my realm of talents.  However, the last time I opted to do it as someone's wedding gift I put in waaaaaay more time and energy than I anticipated and I refuse to do that again.

She called today and we have a meeting tomorrow where I'll find out all the specifics, but here's what I know:

Sunday afternoon wedding, 85 miles from my house
Pictures pre-ceremony
Rehearsal will be day before but in town, so no travel time for that.
I do have to work on Monday.  Taking it off is not an option.

At this point I still don't know exactly what they need - is the venue setting everything up and they just want me to be sure everyone is where they're supposed to be at the right time, or if I would be the labor too.  Obviously I want to get all the details first, but does $250 + meals for the day sound ridiculous?  Would you ask for more and see what their reaction is?  Should I start by asking what they've budgeted?

I want to be able to do this for her, and I know they don't have a large budget, but I also can't afford to give my time away, especially after what happened last time.  I've just never been in a situation where I got to name my price and see what they said, so I don't really know how to approach it.

Oh, and of course I'll have a contract with them outline what I will do and what the compensation will be.
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