Wedding Etiquette Forum

How to word the invites etiquette

My daughter is getting married this spring.  The wedding is being given by her and her fiance, her father and myself and my fiance.  My fiance and I will not be married until after my daughter, yet he has put several thousand dollars away to help pay.  How do we word the invites?? I have tried to search the net, but have yet to come up with anything.  I feel, since he is helping, he should be mentioned. Help??
Thanks in advance!

Re: How to word the invites etiquette

  • Together with their parents really seems to be the way to go here.
  • Personally I'd do "together with their parents" in this case.
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  • Yup, together with their parents is fine. Just as an FYI you might want to get a new SN (aka make a new account) since you've got your full e-mail address right now. Internet safety and all that.
  • redheadfsuredheadfsu member
    edited December 2011
    I vote together with their families too.

    Together with their parents

    Emily Hefferndon


    Riley Cuzman

    request the honour of your presence

    However, if you really really really want to do this. It would be something like (this is my best try as this is a little long)...

    Ms. Peir
    Mr. Peir's Boyfriend
    Mr. Bride's Father
    request the honor of your presence

    (As only married couples share the same line)


    Planning Bio
    Married 9/15/11

    *This is Not Legal Advice*
  • Or

    Mr. Bride's Father
    Ms. FirstName Lastname (you)
    Mr. Fiance
    request the honor of your presence
    at the marriage of
    Bride First/Last
    Groom First/Last

    But too many names at the top can appear clunky. I'd go with Together with their families, or Together with their parents.

    Or you can skip all that and do:

    The honor of your presence is requested
    at the marriage of
    Bride First/Last
    Groom First/Last

  • I think "together with their families" is nice with blended families. Especially if your FI wasn't in the picture until she was an adult (I get that I'm making an assumption) -- she may think of him as family but not necessarily a parent.
  • edited January 2012
    Thank you all very much!!!
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