I'm reading the boards, watching too much wedding TV (not feeling well) and revising my guest list and I'm wondering.... How many people actually care about the commitment that the couple is pledging?
Between the comments from the cnn article about cash bars and some of the threads about invitees...it doesn't actually seem like a lot of people like to be a guest at weddings....that they go for more than a party....that they actually care about the ceremony....The show Four Weddings seemed awful to me at first, but isn't it just a reflection as to where we are a society? Whose got what, how did they look, etc?
Is it just me? As I'm thinking about adding a few to my own invitation list, I'm looking at my motivation behind it. Do I actually like that person? Or do I feel obligated? Are they are person who would support my marriage? I've had people automatically assume they were invited and now my wedding is feeling bigger than I want it out of obligation.
Is this pre wedding funk?