So, when we got our wedding photo's back, I was excited to get them, and didn't really think about what was there until recently when I started to make our album. Our photographers took wonderful photo's...however, they seemed to have had a preference for my husbands family. Besides the formals, I have only one photo of my mom, and nonef her sister and BIL, as well as her mom, my grandmother, who my photographer knew was important to me. I have 6 photo's of our first dance, 5 photo's of my dad and my's dance, one of which is the same photo in B/W, while there are 16 photo's of my husbands dance with his mom. There are only a handful of photo's of our guests, and all of them happen to be his dads family. However, there aren't any photo's of his mothers family - with the exception of a group shot, you wouldn't even know they were there - and they were the ones who helped decorate and everything! I have 20 photo's of our wedding cake, but none of our centerpieces or candids of my sisters. I'm a little hurt/frusterated and while I know I can't change the past, I was wondering if I should bring it up to our photographer or if I should let sleeping dogs lie. I'm thinking they may have some they thought didn't turn out so great and therefore didn't post online of people that we might be able to have acess to. My grandmother traveled overseas and has termminal cancer, and only seeing her in the one formal family shot has me a little peeved.
What do you think I should do? Did you guys have something similar happen?