Wedding Etiquette Forum

Shoe halp please!

I really, really can't decide which pair of these to get. WAFFLING. Halp me, this is getting ridiculous.

Re: Shoe halp please!

  • Really cute!  I picked blue though because they are a little more subtle, and that's more my style.  Either way you're good though.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I can't decide.  

  • I voted brown because I like that color combo. I like how the colors contrast a bit more. And I'd wear brown more than blue.
  • See, I feel like the blue might go with more outfits, but I LOVE the contrasty-ness of the brown. And I love the blue too. I'm really stuck here y'all. Kim knows.
  • NebbNebb member
    10000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    The blue ones look a bit more striking to me. I like them.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Shoe halp please!</a>:
    [QUOTE]See, I feel like the blue might go with more outfits, but I LOVE the contrasty-ness of the brown. And I love the blue too. I'm really stuck here y'all. Kim knows.
    Posted by daffodil_jill[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is EXACTLY my reasoning.  Damnit.</div>
  • Have you tried googling for a coupon?  Maybe you can just find a kickass coupon and buy both.  That's usually always my solution.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Kim is all up in my head.

    I want to get both, but they're not cheap. Otherwise I'd get both in a heartbeat. Maybe I can get the other pair down the road, but there's no guarantee they'd have my size left by then.
  • Well, that's my reasoning plus the brown ones look a bit like a pair of heels my mom used to have, but I don't expect you to share that reason.

    I still can't decide though.
  • coupon, eh? They're already at a 20% discount...
  • That is a tough choice! I voted blue but I do love both pairs.
  • I google for a coupon code before I buy anything online.  You can almost always find something, even if it's just free shipping.  
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • I love the blue ones but I'm not one for wearing brown of any kind.
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  • I also prefer the blue - I feel like they are more versatile.  but this is coming from someone who buys a pair of shoes and then wears only that pair until they are worn out.... so I like versatility :)
  • I like the blue pair!
    Updated 1/17/11 imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • I love them both too! I almost picked the blue since it's my favorite color, but I ended up picking the brown and burgundy one just because I wear mostly jeans and I thought the blue with jeans would be a little too much (like you were wearing all denim). I love the contrast of the brown with the tan and burgundy!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I picked blue/teal. I think it would go with more esp if you were wearing black. I guess I just don't wear a lot of brown, but if you do, then I would go with the brown ones.
  • Blue! I love the blue.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I like both, but I think the contrast of the second pair makes them a little more interesting. I'd decide based on which would match more of what's in your closet. If it's equal, I'd go with the second just because they're more unusual to my eye.
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