Wedding Etiquette Forum

Bridal shower host - buys gift?

Does the host of a bridal shower get the bride a gift in addition to hosting?
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Re: Bridal shower host - buys gift?

  • I guess they could if they wanted to.  I wouldn't expect it though, as throwing the shower is already a gift in itself.
  • I don't know that I'll expect it from my bridesmaids (my shower is in two weeks), but I know that every shower I've hosted I've also gotten the bride a gift.

    Though, admittedly, I would have gotten a larger gift if I wasn't the host.
  • It depends on if you want to.  Hosting a shower is a gift itself.  If you want to and are comfortable buying another gift it's completely up to you.
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  • In my circle, yes. It might be smaller than if she weren't hosting, but the hostess does give a gift.
  • I voted depends.

    Two examples come to mind: When I was part of a group of BMs hosting a shower and was asked to contribute about $25 and a plate of cookies, I bought the bride a place setting of her (expensive) china.

    But when my aunt and I hosted a shower for my sister that same summer and I contributed about $500, I didn't buy a separate gift for her; the shower was the gift.
  • The few showers I hosted I still gave a gift (to the mommy though). At my 2 showers I was given a gift by the host as in my area I thinks it's pretty traditional to give a gift.
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  • I think it depends. If they want to give one that's fine but don't expect it.
  • I've always given a gift at all the showers I have hosted.  Often it is smaller because of the money I spent on the shower, but at least there's something to open.
  • I have always given gifts at showers I hosted. I was also given amazing gifts by the hosts of my shower. In my circle a gift is seen as part of the expense of the shower.
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  • I've been to a few showers where the bridesmaids are the ones hosting and they also go in on a group gift for the bride so that they can spend less, but still get a gift.
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  • My SM and I threw a shower for my SIL. We both bought her a gift.
  • Gifts are never mandatory, but especially when you are hosting the shower, that IS a gift.  Of course, you can always get an additional gift if you choose, but I wouldn't think it was wierd if you didn't.
  • At every bridal shower I have ever been to, the host(s) have also had a gift for the bride.
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  • The host is not obligated, but some like to; my MOH is planning, hosting and paying for my shower, but she also purchased a gift that she sent out to the house.

    It wasn't expected, but we're pretty close and I knew she had her eye on getting that present so it isn't a big deal.

    But remember, she isn't obligated.
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