Wedding Etiquette Forum

Shower gift for traveling bride

Looking for advice and figured maybe some of you went to showers for OOT brides before...

FI's cousin is getting married and his family is throwing a shower for the cousin's FI. I have never talked to the cousin's FI before but everyone in the family is going so I said I'd go too (and hopefully finally meet/talk since we're both marrying into the same family). She's registered at several stores so I went out and got her a gift. Today I went back on their website and noticed on the registry page they added a note saying to keep in mind the couple lives on the west coast and will be commuting back and forth for wedding events (east coast).

I mentioned it to FI and he said "Oh yeah, my mom told me today she just bought them a gift card since they're traveling." Now I feel like I'm going to look stupid when I show up tomorrow with an actual gift. It's a brownie pan with a carrying case so it's packaged tightly (i.e. nothing will break) and could be shoved in a suitcase easily, but now I'm doubting myself.

Should I go return the gift and either buy a gift card or re-buy it online to have it shipped to their home? Or should I still give the gift and let them decide what to do about it?

Re: Shower gift for traveling bride

  • Eh, if it was not a huge hassle I would take it back and re-buy it online. But if I was feeling lazy and did not want to take it back, I would just give it to her. She registered for it, they would have realized this before they registered. I am sure it wont be a big deal, but a delivery to their house may be more ideal. But,  I am sure you would not be the only one that turned up with a gift.
  • I would still give it to her or a gift card.  If you had it mailed to her house you wouldn't have anything to give her at the shower.
  • Definitely just give it to her. I actually can't believe they wrote that on their website, as it seems really presumptuous to me. Maybe they should have "kept in mind" that they would be traveling when they agreed to the shower on the opposite coast :P

    Mostly kidding, but seriously. She has to expect this - don't worry about it, you were sweet to buy her a present.
  • Give it to her.  A shower with only gift cards or no gifts (because they were shipped to her home) is a really crappy shower, and she should have considered that.  She can figure out how to get it home.
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  • Thanks everyone! I was definitely thinking along the same lines as you all about this.
  • Why are they having a shower if they don't want people to buy her stuff?  I say give her the brownie pan, and let her deal wtih it.  
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Shower gift for traveling bride</a>:
    [QUOTE]Why are they having a shower if they don't want people to buy her stuff?  I say give her the brownie pan, and let her deal wtih it.  
    Posted by Avion22[/QUOTE]

    <div>This. Who wants to sit and watch the bride open gift cards?  Just be sure to include the gift receipt as I have heard of people returning the shower presents and re-buying them in their hometown so they don't have to worry about transport.</div>
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Shower gift for traveling bride</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Shower gift for traveling bride : This. <strong>Who wants to sit and watch the bride open gift cards? </strong> Just be sure to include the gift receipt as I have heard of people returning the shower presents and re-buying them in their hometown so they don't have to worry about transport.
    Posted by Patineuse1124[/QUOTE]

    That's mostly what happened! They were all to the same store too so every envelope or small box she opened was "Oh yay! A gift card! I can't wait to go shopping!" My gift and maybe two others that were actual gifts got ooo's and aaahh's from everyone because it was actually something to look at!
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