Wedding Etiquette Forum

what to do with tricky father of the groom??

My FH and I are getting married in January in the Catholic Church. We are having a full Catholic wedding. My FH converted to Catholocism and his mom and grandparents have been very open to his conversion. We have not spoken to his dad in almost 2 years now (doesnt have to do with religion...thats just the relationship they have, or don't have I guess). We are assuming his dad will come to the wedding. He also has a live in girlfriend. If dad does come to the ceremony, where should we seat him and his girlfriend? There is no other family left on dad's side of the family, only mom's side. 

Thanks. :)
TTC since January 2012. Me: 24 & DH: 30

DH SA (1/21/13) is perfect! 1st RE appt set for 1/30/13

BFP on 1/26/13! EDD is 10/5/13! 1st appt at 5w6d and diagnosed high risk due to high BP. Put on meds. 1st Ultrasound scheduled for 2/22/13. Blighted ovum At 7w6d D&C 2/26/13 Anniversary Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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