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car???? NWR

Since my car shat the bed, FI and I will be out looking for a new one (probably slightly used 07 or 08).  I think I want either a Toyota Camry, Honda Accord or Hyundai Sonata.  Does anyone have any of these.  I am looking for something that runs well (won't be in the shop every week like my POS saturn), is good in snow, and will be roomy enough for a baby down the road.  TIA for your help!
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Re: car???? NWR

  • Do NOT buy a hyundai. They are junk.
  • My vote will always be for a Honda. Those things never die. I was told when I bought my car that they have the highest resale value (not always the best when you are looking to buy used). The Toyota would be a good second choice.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • I like Honda, Toyotas and Nissians.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: car???? NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]My vote will always be for a Honda. Those things never die. I was told when I bought my car that they have the highest resale value (not always the best when you are looking to buy used). The Toyota would be a good second choice.
    Posted by louisvillebride21[/QUOTE]

    Agreed. Hondas last forever.
  • I had a '93 Honda Accord until it was annihilated by a snow plow 6 years ago. I loved it and was so sad because I had expected it to last forever. :( Even though I have a Chevy Malibu now, I plan to look into getting another Accord in the future when my Malibu dies.
  • edited December 2009
    Have we talked about this? FI and I both have saturns. Totally NOT buying American cars next time... What do you have? I have an Ion quad coupe and he has an SL2.

    I've had a Sonata and a Camry as rental cars before. Hated the Sonata, LOVED the camry. The newer ones are cuter than the 3-4 year old ones, too, IMO.

    Hondas seem okay, but they're also boring as hell to me. I had a Mercury last 13 years on me before, which was also how long my friend's Honda Accord lasted, so I don't know if they necessarily last longer based on my amazing anecdotal evidence. But they might be more reliable.
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  • I have a Honda Accord and though I am more of a Toyota kinda gal I do love my car.  It definately runs well and it's roomy IMO.  My furbaby LOVES the backseat :)
  • My friend had a newer 2 door Honda Accord and said it sucked in the snow, but other than that he loved it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: car???? NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]Have we talked about this? FI and I both have saturns. Totally NOT buying American cars next time... What do you have? I have an Ion quad coupe and he has an SL2. I've had a Sonata and a Camry as rental cars before. Hated the Sonata, LOVED the camry. The newer ones are cuter than the 3-4 year old ones, too, IMO. Hondas seem okay, but they're also boring as hell to me. I had a Mercury last 13 years on me before, which was also how long my friend's Honda Accord lasted, so I don't know if they necessarily last longer based on my amazing anecdotal evidence. But they might be more reliable.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    I also had a ion coupe.  It gave me nothing but trouble from day 1 and to top it all off I was suppose to get money back on a never used warranty and they went out of business now its a class action suit.  I HATE SATURN.  I am acctually leaning toward the Camry because the Honda is very expensive even used.  I put Hyundai because they have an awesome warranty.  Thanks for the input!
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  • FI used to havea  '93 Saturn he LOVED. I guess Saturn was good back in the day, but their quality declined a lot. I bought one because I didn't have the haggle (bought it new) and they seem safe. They're pretty average, though, and there's no reason I should only be getting 26 MPG, even in the city, with a compact car. Screw you, GM. When people ask about my car I say, "Eh, it's functional I guess." I actually just had about 6k in repairs done to it (accident - insurance paid all of it). A little part of me hoped it was totalled after the accident, so I could get something better.
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  • edited December 2009
    I have a 2003 Accord (4 door) and I love it. Very roomy, handles great, wonderful gas milage for a V6, haven't had any issues in snow or ice.
  • I have an 07 Camry. I LOVE it! I live in Louisiana, so snow doesn't exist down here. (Except for last Friday) I've never had a problem with it and it has PLENTY of room for kids.

    It is true that pit bulls grab and hold on. But what they most
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  • I have a 94 nissan altima. I've had it since I turned 16..I'm 24 now and I haven't had too much trouble with it. The past couple of years I've had to pay for expensive repairs about once a year, but overall I think Nissan's are good cars. Mine has 194K miles on it and will be replaced in a few months, once I start my new job.
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  • Have you looked at subaru? they are in the same price bracket and I love my legacy- it's 4 wheel drive and excellent in the snow and is great on gas. Good morning america just voted the legacy as having the most value for money.
  • I had a Honda Accord. The problem I had with it is that its air intake is located right next to the front passenger wheel, so whenever I hit a big puddle (or flooded road) it killed my engine.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: car???? NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]Have you looked at subaru? they are in the same price bracket and I love my legacy- it's 4 wheel drive and excellent in the snow and is great on gas. Good morning america just voted the legacy as having the most value for money.
    Posted by PreppySailor[/QUOTE]
    I actually just looked at some subaru's as well.  They seem a little more pricey but that might be because of the 4wd.  My first car was a honda and it didn't last me very long.  I am very hard on cars and seem to have problems with all of them.  This time I want to really research and not just make a "I need a car now" decision!  Thanks for all your input!
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  • I used to drive an Altima occassionally, and I like Nissans quite a bit.

    FI's dream car is a Suburu. Mostly because of the 4WD (he likes camping/hiking a lot). But it's still good on MPG for commuting.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:531620be-b8b8-49ca-b539-0453b997bee3Post:ac88be08-2fc5-43c2-ae8f-a136c31bf245">Re: car???? NWR</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: car???? NWR : I actually just looked at some subaru's as well.  They seem a little more pricey but that might be because of the 4wd.  My first car was a honda and it didn't last me very long.  I am very hard on cars and seem to have problems with all of them.  This time I want to really research and not just make a "I need a car now" decision!  Thanks for all your input!
    Posted by jamiefour[/QUOTE]

    subaru's are AWD, not 4wd. there's a BIG difference between the two even if subaru doesn't want to admit that.

    i personally have almost always had american cars with the exception of a 94 corolla that lasted forever (and is still going as far as i know). there's nothing wrong with being "hard" on a car, believe me i'm much harder on my cars than you could ever believe. BUT you need to do maintenance on them. that's the problem that most people have. they beat up the cars and don't change the oil, brakes, belts, etc and then claim the car is a pos. it's not the car's fault you didn't take care of it.

    that being said, if you want something that you can go 10k on an oil change on you're better off with a honda or toyota. they do hold up to no maintenance better than many american cars.
    i take care of my cars and rarely have a problem with them. i tend to favor jeeps for the space, fun factor and 4wd. i also have owned dodge, ford, and saturn. i have never had an issue with any of them that wasn't my own doing. you can't really go wrong with any of them. i also suggest american cars because they're cheaper since so many people have the "american cars suck" attitude like you've seen here, so you can get a better deal on a car that's just as good as any foreign car.
  • I have a Nissan Murano.  I haven't had too many problems, other than maintenance (new tires, brake pads, etc). I've had mine about 5 years.  I had a Nissan Maxima that was about 7 years old when I turned 16 (a '93), and it would still be going today if it hadn't gotten totaled in an accident.
  • We just bought a 2010 Toyota Corolla and love it so far. We haven't had it long enough to know how great it will be in the long run though. I have a '97 Nissan Sentra that has about 255,000 miles on it. So if that doesn't tell you how long Nissans can last than I don't know what will!  :)
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