Wedding Etiquette Forum

Would this be too AWish?

We got our album last week, and we're spending Christmas Eve with H's family. Would it be weird of me to bring it along?

Normally, I'd think it was fine, but BIL and his new wife brought their album to a kid's birthday party, and it rubbed lots of people the wrong way. That may have less to do with the presence of the album and more to do with how they presented it. I have no intention of walking in the door, shoving the album at someone and ordering them to look at it.

If we do bring it, I'll keep it in its box until someone asks to see it. It will then go back in its box, and I may freak out if someone tries to touch it while eating. It was a very generous gift from my parents, and H and I cannot afford to replace it.

What would you do?

Re: Would this be too AWish?

  • I would bring it, but with my family they would be offended if I didn't! Lol
    I would agree with the don't force anyone part... those that want to see it will
  • Lia, my original concern was the book getting damaged. I told the photographer, and she went in back to find a rejected album that was going to be destroyed. The two of us tried to rip or bend the pages, and it required a great deal more effort than I thought it would.

    It's a flush-mount album, so while a spill would make me pee my pants a little, it likely wouldn't ruin the book.
  • Bring it.  I'm sure that lots of people would like to see it, and if they don't want to, they just don't have to look.  I love looking at peoples' wedding albums.
  • edited December 2011
    I think you should bring it.  I brought our proofs to Thanksgiving.  I set them down in the corner, and brought them out only when people asked.  And people did ask.  But your ILs are weird, so there's that.  I also think that bringing your album to Christmas is totally different than brining it to someone else's birthday party.

    Edit: I apparently caught the centering disease from Eagles.
  • I don't think that it's AW-ish to bring it.  It's not like you're trying to take attention away from a child's birthday.  Well, Jesus's birthday, but he likes to share the spotlight. 

    The issue of sticky uncooked chicken hands might be a problem. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Would this be too AWish?</a>:
    [QUOTE]No, but that's because I don't trust your ILs to not wreck it.  :(  I'm sorry, you should totally be able to AW that shiit up and down, but <strong>I think it would break your heart if your MIL changed the baby and then grabbed it</strong>.  I don't know why my posts keep showing up centered.  KA doesn't like me.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>I will scream like a banshee and scare the children. Then we'd leave, after a two-word goodbye to MIL that beings with the letter F and ends with the letter U.</div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:533504ba-a7d9-45ba-a503-69f0baf85115Post:5b0875fb-a0e2-4961-9c41-d9391947d656">Re: Would this be too AWish?</a>:
    [QUOTE]No, but that's because I don't trust your ILs to not wreck it.  :(  I'm sorry, you should totally be able to AW that shiit up and down, but I think it would break your heart if your MIL changed the baby and then grabbed it.  I don't know why my posts keep showing up centered.  KA doesn't like me.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    Pheagles, I think that it's showing up centered just to you.  Mine are showing up centered to me.  YAY FOR MORE TK WONKINESS!
  • So if I bring it, is it way out of line to insist upon clean hands before touching it?
  • I voted yes, but then reading everyone else's comments, I remembered how insane you've said your ILs are!

    I'd be nervous that they would get salmonella all over it and wouldn't want to bring it!! 
  • Thanks, guys. I'll show this to H. They're his people--he can deal with them.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:533504ba-a7d9-45ba-a503-69f0baf85115Post:f954de0e-777d-49af-a5f6-78634f34538f">Re: Would this be too AWish?</a>:
    [QUOTE]So if I bring it, is it way out of line to insist upon clean hands before touching it?
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]

    <div align="left"> I don't think asking for clean hands is out of line.  If it were me I'd probably be hovering close by to pull it to safety if need be.
  • Hi, SC! Did you see that the entrance ramps are open now? You can get on 75, but can't get off. I'm maybe a little too excited.
  • edited December 2011

    I did see that!  The closure forced me to find a new way to work and I realized I had been driving far out of my way by getting on 75 so I've stuck with my new route for that drive.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Would this be too AWish?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks, guys. I'll show this to H. They're his people--he can deal with them.
    Posted by specialk84[/QUOTE]

    <div>I think that is for the best. </div><div>
    </div><div>Eagles is right. I wouldn't trust them with it. </div>
  • edited December 2011
    I try to maintain a high level of normalcy at all times :)
  • Heck my family hauls out pictures AFTER DINNER every year to check them out and see which aunts forgot and wore the same Christmas sweater 2 or 3 years in a row.
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