Wedding Etiquette Forum

*falls over and spider crawls to E*

Welp, I made it.  First conference with my new job and it went well, but I am tired as fuuck.  4 days of 6am-12am is enough to make me have an out-of-body, sleep-deprived existence.  So, I'm now on the sofa, at 3:30, feeling all the blood rush back into my feet!

What did I miss this past week?

Re: *falls over and spider crawls to E*

  • annakb8annakb8 member
    Congrats on finishing your first conference!

    You didn't miss much, just someone telling everyone they're mean and to be nicer. You know the usual.
  • Oh my.  That's craziness.  You need to sleep a few days.

    I don't believe you missed much.  Hard to believe, right?
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: *falls over and spider crawls to E*</a>:
    [QUOTE]Congrats on finishing your first conference! You didn't miss much, just someone telling everyone they're mean and to be nicer. You know the usual.
    Posted by annakb8[/QUOTE]

    Jesus, this place is such puppies and rainbows too!
  • Welcome back!  Did you manage to drag a bottle of wine over to the sofa with you? 

    You did not miss much really. 
  • No wine.  I've boozed up the last couple of nights too. lol
  • I was thinking of you last night!! I went shopping and I literally asked myself what you would think about something I was thinking about purchasing. And that made me realize I hadn't seen your awesomeness around.

  • OH hai there hot stuff. I've been missing your hoarface around here.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Hello, hello my lovelies.  Hugs to you both. :) 

    LC, my hoarface almost got into a yelling match with this swedish guy who thought he was hilariously schmoozing me today. Dude, I am exhausted and you are not funny.  Then.... he told me to not be "black".  Because I said "Mhm"

    LDY, what did you buy/almost buy?
  • Congrats on your conference! I'm glad you get to rest now though - 6am-12am sounds like hell.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: *falls over and spider crawls to E*</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hello, hello my lovelies.  Hugs to you both. :)  LC, my hoarface almost got into a yelling match with this swedish guy who thought he was hilariously schmoozing me today. Dude, I am exhausted and you are not funny.  <strong>Then.... he told me to not be "black".  Because I said "Mhm"</strong> LDY, what did you buy/almost buy?
    Posted by Snippylynn[/QUOTE]
    WTF does that even meeeeeean?
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • annakb8annakb8 member
    I was wondering the same thing LC.
  • And a girl with an ENORMOUSLY large ticker. Oblivious to it, apparently.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • This place is not puppies and rainbows you conniving biitch. ::punches LC for no reason::  WE HURT THE ONES WE LOVE, OK?!
  • It was a dress - I dont know why, but this particular dress made me think of a comment you had made once about something not being flattering or something. It was one of those very vague references. I also was thinking about what accessories I'd wear, and as of right now the only cute stuff I have is the stuff you helped me pick.

    I think I've told you before, I almost always think of you when I'm getting dressed in the morning. I'm weird. lol.
  • Missy, I saw that yesterday and it made me miss P2 a little.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Who am I kidding? I am the must puppies and rainbows hoar around here. I luv you guys. ::weep::
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: *falls over and spider crawls to E*</a>:
    [QUOTE]This place is not puppies and rainbows you conniving biitch. ::punches LC for no reason::  WE HURT THE ONES WE LOVE, OK?!
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I honestly don't know what it meant.  But I gave him the death look and said "Excuse me?  How is that "being black"?" Then he said he'd been to NYC, so he "knew".

    I told him he needed to stop talking to me.

    Mandapanda, I love you. *bitchslap*
  • Oh, LDY, sometimes, you need to have a little voice in your head. :)  Mine is my H's. 
  • mica178mica178 member
    5000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its
    Yay, Amoro!  Glad you made it through the week, but we missed you on E!
  • LC, I said something about it on Chit Chat. She either ignored it, or never saw it. I haven't gone back to check.
    But OMG - it's HUUUUGE.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • Welcome home, SnippyAmoro! You haven't missed much. Not that I've been here much myself either.
  • Hiya Snippy!

    I was wondering if you got busy with the new job.
  • Welcome back, Snipps. I missed you this week.

    Congrats on the conference and I hope your toes are better soon. lol

    The only I did that you missed was say that all men are grown kids. That did not go over well with many.
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