Sorry a bit of a vent. Okay I don’t know why this is bothering me so much. Our families involvement in our wedding has been pretty smooth. We are in our 30s and are paying for the wedding ourselves so our families haven’t really made any demands on us. I am a graphic designer and my FI is an illustrator so we designed our own invitations and were really excited about them.
But my family didn’t seem as happy with them when I showed them last night. We have little orange leaves running down the side of them and my FBIL joked that they looked like doritos. And my sister made a comment how they are “just” printed on card stock. My mother is sending them to my side of the family and insisted she needs pink or red envelopes and not the teal ones that I chose. I know this all isn’t a big deal but for some reason all the comments really bothered me. We don’t have a problem sticking up for the wedding decisions we’ve made but I guess when we’re excited about something it sucks if members of your family are critical. As well for some reason I feel that we’ll get more criticism from everyone as more decisions are made. How do you make yourself feel good about your choices when others make comments?