Wedding Etiquette Forum

Fiance Coworker issue

My FI is inviting a few coworkers as I am too. One of this coworkers was a good friend of his after his divorce but when we started dating she because distant and weird. On about 5 occasions, weddings, office parties I've seen her she won't talk to me. Several of my friends think she is jealous but she has a boyfriend she's been dating for at least 6-8 months. Recently we were at a party and all his other coworkers congratulated us on our engagement and she stood there as if I wasn't even in the room. FI wants to invite her since he invited a few other people she knows. I told him I didn't care but she might actually have to talk to me, then again I will be so busy I won't even notice or care if she doesn't. I just think it's weird. He still needs to get her address and all the invites have already gone out so I suppose if he doesn't follow through on getting her address I don't have to be concerned about it. Wonder if she would come to the shower????

Re: Fiance Coworker issue

  • GeauxTigers17GeauxTigers17 member
    edited May 2011
    If it's not a big deal to you, I'd let him invite her to the wedding (and you're right, if he doesn't get the address, not your issue) but don't invite her to the shower. Y'all aren't close and those are usually small gatherings; I doubt she would come given how she acts around you but if she does, it will seriously dial up the awkward quotient.
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