Instead of the typical/stereotypical inlaw problems, DF and I have issues with our own families. I have issues with my family (especially Grandpa), and DF fights with his mom a lot. Quick back story: DF's parents were divorced, dad was out of the picture until a couple years ago when he got in touch, then he died last year. So far we're not planning for FMIL to pay for anything and she hasn't offered as far as I know. Current situation: Christmas eve he drove her around to run errands 'cause she's currently car-less, and she insulted him majorly (DF didn't say how exactly) which resulted in him mad, her upset, and us not spending Christmas Day with her as we'd planned. Today DF told me he's not talking to her and doesn't want to invite her to the wedding unless she apologizes. I didn't say anything yet but I'm pretty sure we *have to* invite her. On the other hand I really don't want drama and grumpy moods on and around the wedding day, and if she's around that's pretty likely to happen. :-( Of course she knows we're engaged so something's gonna happen with her if we don't invite her. I absolutely do not want to try to be a mediator because I've been there done that and it never works. Plus I've gotta be on DF's side anyway, which is not to say I can't tell him if he's wrong but I'm not gonna just talk to FMIL about it 'cause she'll just go all weepy and guilt-trippy and try to make me the mediator. It's possible this'll blow over (I think) or she'll apologize which is what he wants. I'm not sure how likely it is 'cause they're both pretty stubborn, but we have about nine months til the wedding so it's possible. But if it doesn't what do I do?