(I'm assuming NWR = not wedding related)
I realize I'm leaving out a lot of detail here, so plese feel free to ask any questions.
I was married once before. In 2010, my husband tried to kill me and then killed himself. Had our daughter not heard and started to cry, I would be dead.
I am not very close to his family. They feel it was "my fault"....after all, I filed for divorce (long story short here - we were separated for 2 years and he was living in our house with his new girlfriend while i paid their bills waiting for the paperwork to finish up so we could divide the assets)
He had an "adopted" brother. He wasn't blood, it wasn't legal...but more of a Native American ceremony. This brother, in my opinion, is really want started my ex- down the dark negative path he was on. I don't blame him because people make their own choices, but it was with him that my ex- started drinking and doing drugs with him and ended up in jail because of it. My ex- broke of their relationship in order to save ours (8 years ago). I have not spoken to him since
Fast forward to today. My ex- mother in law called me. The brother died last night. She wants me to come to his ceremony, but to be honest.... i have no good feelings for this man. The people that will be there all hate me for causing my ex's death.
Yet I still feel guilty for wanting to say no.
Edit to add: My ex- mother in law also blames me, and there is no fault whatsoever to my ex- for his death and my attempted murder.