Alright ladies, I'm lookin for some advice on having an adult only reception.
My older sister and bro both had them when they got married, and since myself, my FI, and my family don't really like the idea of screaming kids at our wedding/reception, I would like an AR as well.
There is a problem though...FI's family has quite a few small, VERY unruly kids. I'm talking, these two boys almost broke the flat screen on Easter just by banging on it with their fists...while their dad stood there and watched.
SO I'm cool with saying "Adult Reception to follow", and if they can't make it because they can't get a baby sitter, then that's a bummer but I'll understand (they all live 3.5 hours away and will have to be staying overnight in a hotel). However, his GM (who is also his cousin who he is super close to) has a baby that will be 22 months at our wedding. I'd feel really bad saying that they can't bring their baby, but again, I don't want it screaming throughout the ceremony and reception. I really want it to be a fun, adult time.
I got a lot of flack on here when I mentioned that I wanted to get a babysitter for at the hotel room so if they DID feel comfortable leaving their kids with a reputable sitter they could come for a bit, but that's the only solution I can think of besides inviting the kiddos to the ceremony and reception (not gonna happen).
I hope I don't sound like a bad person - we are just not kid people, and I want my wedding to be as enjoyable as possible. Thoughts?