Wedding Etiquette Forum

Totally Stressed - Need Some Encouragement

This isn't etiquitte related, but it seems like this is the only board people really respond on. My wedding is in two days and I'm totally stressed. With the holidays and final exams (I am a teacher) and everything else I just feel like I have so little time and too much to get done. My dad comes in from out of town tonight and it's the first night of Chanukah and I feel like I'm being pulled in so many directions. I've told FH's family for months that we would be celebrating Chanukah with my family on the 20th and now they're making a seperate dinner that I also have to attend. I know it's all going to work out, but it's just starting to feel way to overwhelming. I feel like I'm supposed to be more excited than stressed! I really could use some encouragement.
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Re: Totally Stressed - Need Some Encouragement

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Totally Stressed - Need Some Encouragement</a>:
    [QUOTE]Take time tonight (and tomorrow) just for yourself.  Even if it's only 10-20 minutes, it will help.  Take a walk or whatever you normally do to relax. Don't answer your phone during that time and try not to think about the wedding.  You'll be fine. :) If you have to do to the 2nd dinner tonight, it's OK not to stay long.  People should understand you are getting married in 2 days and have other things on your mind.
    Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]

    Ditto this. Breathe!
    I felt the same way and even broke into tears a few times. It will all work out.
    Good luck!
  • If you want/need to go to both the dinners tonight, just go for a short time to visit and chat with everyone then leave. Make sure you take time for yourself so you're not run down for your wedding. You can say no to something with a short explaination of, "I'm really busy tomorrow with school and the upcoming wedding. I look forward to seeing you then" and graciously bow out. People should understand where you're coming from. Just take a breath, relax, and enjoy yourself at your wedding! Good Luck & Congrats!

    Anxiously awaiting baby #1! Baby BOY Due: May 30, 2013! Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • Take a nice bath with lots of bubbles and a glass of wine after dinner(s).  You deserve to carve out an hour or so just for you tonight.
  • Just breathe. Try to enjoy this time because it really will go by faster than you think. The really important things will get done and it's ok if the less important things get let go. Did the dinner tonight just get scheduled? I would be hard pressed to fit in a last minute "invitation" two nights before my wedding when I had other plans made for awhile. Also, it's not a surprise that the holidays and final exams are this time of year and you scheduled your wedding anyway. So try to remember why you did that, you must have had a reason, so that you can focus on the positives of why you chose this time of year instead of the negatives.
    ttc chart
    BFP 8/01/12, EDD 04/10/12, mm/c @ 6wks, discovered at 8wks, D&C 9/05/12
  • Breathe!  You can only fit in a day what you can do.  If things don't get done it's because they weren't high on the priority list and won't make that big of a difference at the end of the day.  Just relax.  Tell yourself right now that you will not be stressed.  This is your wedding day (well in 2 days) you don't want to look back and be sad you let so many little things bother you.  You've got this!  Enjoy the moments.  
  • I'm with all the others on breathing!  And just remember that in two days, you get to get married - and everything will work out.  If someone is stressing you out in person, don't be afraid to say that you just need to go home and relax.  Anyone in their right mind won't complian.
  • Breathe!  You are almost there!

    Also, it's totally okay to limit time at any appearance tonight.  People will understand that you are only two days away from your wedding day.
  • Like PP have said, relax and take some time for yourself. Enjoy your time with family for Chanukah, but bow out if it gets too overwhelming. Everyone should understand the last minute stress of the wedding. And take time to remember what is really important here--you and FI are starting a new life together! Its not the tiny favors, the cake topper, or whatever other details are stressing you out right now. It's the beginning of a marriage, which will be beautiful no matter what. Good luck and happy Chanukah!
  • Thanks so much ladies for all the encouragement! Now that I'm done grading finals and home things are getting quickly accomplished and I'll be able to go enjoy celebrating Chanukah with my family. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to celebrate with my father who lives in New Mexico and doesn't like coming out in the winter and I need to remember that. I am so excited to get married!!! And to BE married! :-)
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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