Who has done it? What was it like?
Background: H sexted with a girl before we were married and then recently flirted with her via FB. I found out because I snooped.
I found a couples-counselor through my Employee Assistance Program, but I felt like she was kind of bogus. She was so old (and hard of hearing and it was weird to discuss our issues at an almost-yelling volume) and I felt like she didn't think our problems were that big of a deal. She basically told us that it would take time to rebuild trust (duh) and that it seemed like we had enough good stuff going for us that it would happen.
That was nice to hear and all, but I'm wondering if we got a bunk therapist and should try to find another. It's hard for me to just open up to a random person. Shouldn't a therapist try to dig deeper or give us more suggestions? Or am I expecting too much?
We are doing much better. I found a couple good resources online that have been helping me. H is doing a good job of working to regain my trust and he is seeing a therapist on his own. We are both vowing to communicate more, and so far it has been going well, but I am still, understandably, a bit on edge.