Wedding Etiquette Forum

Tamiflu and nightmares

Has anyone taken Tamiflu and had really bad nightmares? I've found a bunch of articles about children having nightmares when taking Tamiflu, but nothing about adults.

For two out of the past three nights, I've had the more horrific nightmares of my life. I'm talking the kind where you can't bring yourself to go back to sleep after you wake up from it.  Everything in my life is going great, so I have no idea what else it could be.  I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this.

I know it's not a medical forum, but I'm mostly just curious :) The more I read about Tamiflu, the more sketched out I get.

Re: Tamiflu and nightmares

  • Heh.  Haven't taken Tamiflu, but Mersyndal (Mersyndol?) gave me the worst night sweats EVER and weird dreams.  Very, very weird dreams - my WoW guildie had this awfully cheesy apartment with a GIANT hot tub in the middle of it...  I think the hot tub/jacuzzi was even pink.  Yeah.  Apparently I was really annoyed with him.


    I know.  Not helpful.  Hi Poli!

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Hi Moose :)

    Man, I'd love a pink hot tub dream. The ones I've been having are like Hostel times 10. Like, gratuitous torture of children, people morphing into homicidal demons, serial killers cutting up puppies, etc. I slept like sh*t last night :P
  • Well, pink hot tub dreams are fine, until you're dreaming about complete strangers having pink hot tubs.

    Wonder why you're having such weird dreams.  Did you take tamiflu?

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I've never had tamiflu.  But, when I had my wisdom teeth out, the narcotic painkiller definitely gave me nightmares.  And this weird thing that I eventually looked up called sleep paralysis.  Your brain is awake, but your body is asleep. I'm not much help either. Sorry.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Wow, sleep paralysis sounds horrible :P

    Yeah Moose, I started taking it a week ago when I got the flu. I wish I'd never gotten the prescription filled!
  • Oooh.  That sucks.  How long do you have to take it?

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Ugh. I'm sorry. When I took anti-malarial drugs in the Philippines (I was in Peace Corps there) I had terrible nightmares, so much I would dread wednesdays b/c that was when I would take the drug. I had my first episode of serious depression while I was there...while I think I was genetically predisposed to it and all that I think the drugs definitely played a role.

    Did you read the Wikipedia entry where they talk about neuropsychiatric side effects of tamiflu? Honestly, I'd call the doc and see if it's OK to stop taking it.
  • That shiit is fuucked...I took it a few months ago and felt miserable every night.  Sick to my stomach and completely lethargic.  I can believe that it would do that.

    How much longer will you be on it?
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  • Maybe its just ghosts?
  • Ha Nebb, don't joke! We live in a 150-year-old house and I think about that sometimes.

    The other night, I came into our room from peeing in the middle of the night. FI's phone lit up on our nightstand with a text, and the shadow cast by our lamp and my watch looked just like a person hovering over the bed. I almost died.

    I don't think I'm going to take the last dose. So not worth it.

    Ac, I had a similar reaction. I took Larium for 6 months while I was in India, and I had horrible dream sa few times a month. I'm sorry you went through that too :P
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