Wedding Etiquette Forum

Does anyone want to...

Come punch my boss in the neck. I feel like crying/throwing a fit.

I have spent the past day creating a chart, at his request, outlining the amount of inventory in each style of clothing as well as the cost - all items have a different cost so I spent hours doing frigging calculations to come up with the total costs per style of clothing from 2 stores and a warehouse. He kept calling and adding more he wanted calculated, so I had to keep going back and changing things.

I finally finished, my eyes feel buggy. I called him to let him know and asked if he wanted it emailed to him.

Nope. He doesnt want it, he just wanted it done for some obscure reason and doesnt want me to tell him any of the information either. He said just to leave it alone now.

What the hell was the point in doing that?!

Re: Does anyone want to...

  • I'm on my way...
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Oh dear.  That's ridiculous.  If I come punch him in the neck, will you take me out to lunch?  Haha.
  • Ha.  Sounds like he was undertaking something that he got his hands slapped for.

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • My boss does crap like this to me all the time...asks for something to be done, then either doesn't want it or didn't need it. Seriously, my time is valuable.

    Hi Nebby!!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I'd send it to him anyway.  "No really, see how good this is? LOOK at it!"
  • Never fear.  He definitly won't be one of the people prepared when the apocalypse comes.
  • *sigh* now he just called me to call a customer in ND who is really super pissed off about something, because he doesnt want to get yelled at. He has put it off for 3 weeks now so... this is gonna be fun.

    Have I mentioned I love my job today?

    And no J&K, I wont take you out to lunch. Im broke because of my stupid lottery ticket addiction. I get paid tomorrow though so ill reconsider if you arrive tomorrow.
  • I'll punch him in the neck, then the groin, then the nose and then I'll choke him out.  ...........oh, sorry, tangent.  I'm having a very bad day. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Does anyone want to...</a>:
    [QUOTE]Never fear.  He definitly won't be one of the people prepared when the apocalypse comes.
    Posted by anna.oskar[/QUOTE]
    I know he would be, for a fact. He will probably get me to prepare everything for him, per usual.
  • Well, I'll do it anyway, even without lunch.  But I would indeed arive tomorrow.  Shortly after 1am, I believe. 
  • Ha.  Sounds like you're in for a wonderful day at work, Nebb

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • I need some vodka to deal with today.
  • That's miserable. If only you could do the same thing to him. Oh hi here's a huge stack of paper to be reviewed, I need it by the end of the day k thanks.
  • I think that I would have to have a sit down with him and point out the time that you spent on this project that wasn't going to be used. I has an employee really focus on job production and feel somewhat that it was lost during this project that you now don't want to see or even use.
  • I'd send it anyway.

    I just had an email from my old job asking where some files would be that I created for artwork of their product. I last worked there in 2005. W. T. F!?!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Does anyone want to...</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'd send it anyway. I just had an email from my old job asking where some files would be that I created for artwork of their product. I last worked there in 2005. W. T. F!?!
    Posted by BecW2be[/QUOTE]
    That reminds me of something that happened at my old job, I quit and because I was in charge of so much I created a very comprehensive task outline and instructions on how to do everything and left it in the system so anyone could find it. My boss deleted it after I left because he didnt want it "infecting" other peoples work ethic. For a good week they were confused until they all started calling me at home for help.
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