Now I was hoping you guys might be able to tell me whether this situation could be a potential etiquitte no-no..
My MoH (who is organising my Hen's night) keeps asking me if I would like to invite two of HER friends to the party. I do know the girls she is talking about, but I have only met one a couple of times and the other used to be my MoH flatmate. Neither are considered friends to me (though her ex-flatmate I would consider an acquaintance) and are not invited to the wedding. I think she will respect my wishes if I say no, but I am kind of feeling pressured by her.
Her reason for wanting them there is that they are "fun" and can help with fuel (it is a 4 hour drive from where she lives to the Hens night city - but there are over half a dozen people invited from the same town some who she knows and a few who are already keen to car pool with her). We are renting a number of rooms in the accommodation venue, and the room we have rented is full so the cheapest cost to her already.
I have only invited girls who I consider to be my friends and am not sure whether I am just over-reacting in thinking its rude for her to ask, or whether I am justified in this. Your views would be appreciated. Thanks