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I need "cheap" laptop recs...

So my dad and I decided that we're going to get my mom a laptop for Christmas. She'll only really use it for her genealogy research, so it doesn't require a whole lot of memory. She won't be downloading much of anything. I don't know how specific this is because I've never bought a computer so I don't know what I'm looking for. Also, I've looked at Netbooks, but I'm afraid the screen wouldn't be large enough for her to see it very well, so I'm looking for a larger screen.

Does anyone have any recs?

Re: I need "cheap" laptop recs...

  • Can you give us a price range?   My friend just did a bunch of laptop research and sent me her spreadsheet, if you're in the same price range as she was, I can share it with you. 
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Dell has a 14" Inspiron starting from $399 for the holidays.

    I'm also a big fan of the Dell outlet store: if you're not picky about specs, you can get a returned or refurbished system (they're usually just open-box items, they look brand new) at a steep discount. My last laptop was around half off.
  • I'd say between $300-$500ish, I guess. I'm not really sure. My dad would cover most of it, so it could probably be a little more if necessary.

    I'll check out the Dell and see if there are any outlets around here.
  • The Dell outlet is actually online, GB. Just go to and at the bottom there's a link to the outlet store.

    They don't seem to have any fabulous deals on larger laptops right this minute, but you might be able to get great specs for the same price. There's also a lot of turnover on the site, so if you don't see something you want at first, just come back in a few hours.
  • I just sent you a PM with c&p of the spreadsheet my friend made when she was looking.  She's super anal organized and these were her top 7 choices after she did a TON of research.  Maybe it will help!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Hmm. I paid $650 for my Vaio, but that seems to be more computer than she needs.

    I've heard good informaiton about Asus, too, and Best Buy has one for $499 right now.
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  • Thanks for the help, ladies! I'll check out the spreadsheet dani, and pass it on to my dad as well.
  • Georgia:  I just got a new laptop.  I really only use it for some music, pictures & internet.  I went with the Acer from Best Buy, it was $350.  It has a 16" screen and its really nice.  We are actually getting my mom the same one for Christmas.  I think that would be perfect.
  • Ditto on Acers...  They're a pretty good deal.  I had one a few years ago, and use one for work, and really liked both models.  Just be forewarned that they have a habit of dying in a horrible, awful, irreparable way after about 2 years.  Right up until that moment, though, they're awesome. 
  • I ditto the Dell Outlet thing. I just got a nice laptop for $500 including shipping (it's pink!) that's good enough to play WoW at standard resolution, and has a 300GB hard drive. You can probably find smaller cheaper ones that will fit what you're looking for too.
  • Dell Inspirons are quite alright. I had a terrible time with my first one, actually, but they since replaced it and the new one I've got works well. I'd say that if you do get the dell, make sure you pay the extra for the extended warranty. 
  • PS: god they're much cheaper in the US than they are here. I paid about $1500 for mine. 
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