Wedding Etiquette Forum

Tell me your embarrassing story

I might as well have fallen face first down some stairs, THAT'S how embarrassing what I just did was. 
I had to interrupt a meeting that all the major account people and The Big Boss are in to look for Frank. I walk in, say excuse me, look around and realize Frank's not there. The Big Boss says, "Who're you looking for?"
I say "Frank, but he's not here."
BB looks at me like I'm stupid and points at Frank, who is sitting one seat down from him. But here's the kicker: Frank is over 6 feet tall, and he was the only black guy in a room full of white dudes. What the hell??
Please tell me your embarrassing stories?

Re: Tell me your embarrassing story

  • I was dating a DJ at a club in college. yeah, I don't know.
    anyway, I went up to see him in the DJ booth to say hi, and when I was walking back down the stairs, trying to look sexy, I fell flat on my back and slid down the last 5 steps or so. and he goes on the microphone "Oh honey, are you ok?" so everyone looked at me, which is what he was going for probably.
    so I shot the place up, and it was SOOO embarrassing when the cops got there.

    just kidding, I killed the cops too.
  • Those both made me laugh!  With you, not at you, of course.
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  • kikibabykikibaby member
    edited July 2010
    One time, I was reluctantly allowed to tag along to this bachelor party in Vegas.  We all went up to the roof of the hotel, and I tried to slip the other guys some Ecstacy I had bought from a dude at the convenience store.  But turns out?  It was ROOFIES!  And?  We totally blacked out for the night, and all kinds of crazy shiz happened- we stole a tiger from Mike Tyson, one of the dudes married a stripper with a baby, and we lost the groom. 

    What a crazy night that was...
  • Hahahaha.  I'm sorry, but that was really funny.  Poor you. 

    My ex and I were in France, in a small city.  When we arrived, only one restaurant was open - it was a fairly fancy looking place, and no one there spoke English and, the further we got from Paris, the more we noticed how wretched our French is.  First faux pas:  the maitre d' said something to ex about a jacket.  We could make out that much.  Ex clutched his windbreaker and mumbled something about "I don't have one, only this," thinking he was being told that he had to wear a jacket to enter.  Later, we figured out the maitre d' was asking if he could hang up ex's jacket.

    I accidentally ordered pigs' feet. 

    We were served a tiny glass of port that we didn't think we'd ordered with the first course.  We had no idea if we were going to get wines with each course (the menu was really confusing, and we were flustered), so we sipped that tiny tiny glass throughout the entire meal.

    I got up to use the bathroom and saw the light switch outside the bathroom.  I've been trapped in European bathrooms before, not being able to find the switch only to discover it was outside, so I figured "not this time," and flipped the switch.  The entire restaurant went dark. 

    The rest of the meal was kind of a blur, and when we ran into one of the servers the next day, he snickered audibly at us. 
  • oh, and there was that time in college where I slapped a midget. but that was more funny than embarrassing. cause he was an asshole.
  • Last week I was walking outside my office and saw someone who I thought was one of my deaf coworkers.  So using ASL, I signed good morning and asked how she's doing.  In response, I got a completely confused look.  So I asked again...then realized that it was not my coworker, just someone random who looks a lot like her.  And obviously didn't know ASL.  Whoops.
  • kiki, you should seriously think about making a movie about that. Call it "The Crazy Night In Vegas". ;-)

    OWN, your story is KILLING me! I can't decide if I want to laugh or die of embarrassment on your behalf.
  • I was riding a trolley/bus thing in Germany when I was in high school.  I was tiny in high school so I probably weighed about 95 lbs and my backpack probably weighed almost as much.  Well, I didn't have a good grip on the pole and when we went forward I swung around and sat down/landed in some German guy's lap.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tell me your embarrassing story</a>:
    [QUOTE]kiki, you should seriously think about making a movie about that. Call it "The Crazy Night In Vegas".
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]
    "One crazy night in Vegas, looking for hookers and cocain" would be better
  • One time, I was vacationing with my fam in the mountains, and I had a crush on this dance instructor that worked at the resort, and I just happened to help his buddy carry a couple of watermelons down to the staff quarters, and lo and behold I saw the dance instructor, and when he asked what I doing down there, I blurted out, "I carried a watermelon". I could have died of embarrassment!!

    Anyway, we ended up doin' it all summer, so it was all good.
  • edited July 2010
    Two weekends ago FI and I went on a 7.5 mile urban hike that was "sponsored" by a bar we really like. The hike was about 4 hours long and full of people who were super hardcore hikers. It was a lot of uphill walking and staircases, so I was usually at the back of the pack. Awesome.

    This particular bar often has a food truck on the weekends. Fi took our beer to a table and I went to order food. I came back and FI got up to go get something and I finished the last few sips of his beer.

    Well, 10 minutes later, some guy comes over and says he thinks FI has his beer? Nope, turns out I drank it. Later I said to FI, "why didn't you say something, like 'that wasn't my beer?' I would have at least said, 'let's get the hell out of here!'" FI was so nice and bought the dude another round, even though he seriously had 2 sips left in the bottom of his glass. I didn't know what to do. How awkward. Especially when FI said, "Did you drink his beer?!"
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  • Hahahah! These are funny!

    When I was living in Ireland in college my group went on a weekend trip to Doolin, on the west coast. There were maybe 30 people total, all early 20s. Some friends and I decided on the last morning to go on a hike to see if we could catch a glimpse of the Cliffs of Moher. There was no real trail but it's hard to get lost when you are on the edge of the coast so we just cut across the fields.

    It was winter and cold and raining, but sunny that day. We hopped over a fence into this field and I put my foot on what looked like a solid tuft of grass, but my foot sank up to my ankle in the mud. So we slogged through that field, hiked for a while and eventually decided we should head back.

    On the way back we tried to find a trail or a path, and evenutally found an old road on the other side of a fence. So we hopped the fence and I slipped on the other side and fell. But I managed to catch myself with one hand before I hit the mud. We all had a good laugh over that then I took two steps on our way and slipped again, this time falling flat on my ass in the mud. So I was covered in mud from my toes to my waist.

    We finally got back to Doolin and everyone was already on the bus waiting for us. They were yelling at us to hurry up and I told them I needed to go inside and change first. So they yelled that I looked fine, but I turned around and showed them my mud-covered ass and everyone burst out laughing. My only other pair of pants were still soaked from the rain the day before so I spent 4+ hours on the bus home in my pajamas.
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  • edited July 2010
    I've fallen too many times in public for it to even be embarrassing anymore.
  • I think you told me about that. and that chick got a botched abortion? egg's on her face, huh??
  • I might have told this story when it happened... but at my brother's wedding on June 5, I'd had several mimosas in me and we were at the hair salon getting our hair done before the wedding. Mike Babcock (the coach of the Red Wings) walked in to the salon... where he apparently regularly goes to get his hair cut.

    I wanted to take a picture of him so my friends would believe me, so I thought I'd be all sneaky with my blackberry and make it look like I was checking my email and sneak a picture (we were already told by the salon staff to leave him alone). The FLASH went off and he looked directly at me, and about 4 salon workers came running over to wisk him away in to the back and scold me for harassing a celebrity in their establishment. Hehe.

    However... later I was walking around the salon videotaping the BMs and getting them to talk to the camera. I did one of those across-the-room zooms on the video camera and got some shots of him getting his hair cut. LOL!

  • I once went home when I lived with my parents so high and was too scared to go straight to my room because they'd "know" that I sat on the couch by them even more paranoid and all of a sudden started playing a car racing game in my head.  Before I knew it I made racing noises out loud and pretended like I was shifting the couch arm into the next gear.  Ummmm, yea.  I didn't smoke much after that. 
  • She shouldn't been dancing so hard with those old people all the time. Lesson learned!

  • Bubbalub- unrelated to embarrassingness, but I had the best french toast of my life in Doolin. 
  • I KNOW I've told this story, but I'm pretty sure it was on WP.

    I took figure skating lessons from age 7 - 16.  When I was like 12 or so, I was at practice during the "free skate" time, so there were tons of people on the ice.  I was trying to practice jumping, so I was skating backwards really fast and not paying attention.  I turned and jumped...right out of the door of the rink, and right onto a hot college guy. 

    He didn't even say anything, just shoveled me back onto the ice.  I kept going like nothing had happened, until I saw my mom sitting in the penalty box, laughing so hard she was crying.

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  • That, or Robbie's little dudes just weren't up to snuff.
  • what he lacked in swimmers he made up for in Alfa Romeos.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tell me your embarrassing story</a>:
    [QUOTE]Bubbalub- unrelated to embarrassingness, but I had the best french toast of my life in Doolin. 
    Posted by mandapanda78[/QUOTE]

    Sweet! Doolin is also where I had the one-legged taxi driver. Good thing it was an automatic.
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  • I pissed my pants in third grade.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:651f7956-382e-4314-8350-cdb5f32bb576Post:447f087e-1e3f-48a5-a8bc-5b4fb8acac5e">Re: Tell me your embarrassing story</a>:
    [QUOTE]I pissed my pants in third grade.
    Posted by GreenPepperBurger[/QUOTE]

    LOL! I farted out loud in the middle of a full 30-person classroom all taking math exam in 8th grade. Hehe.
  • Dude, I peed my pants in gym class my freshman year in high school. I managed to hide it well enough (we were learning tumbling and I came down out of a running flipping thing pretty hard) but I had to BEG my sister to drive me home at lunch so I could change. I was too embarrassed to tell her I wet myself so I told her I sat in something wet.
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  • Bubbalub, I think you win. :)
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tell me your embarrassing story</a>:
    [QUOTE]I pissed my pants in third grade.
    Posted by GreenPepperBurger[/QUOTE]

    I did this, but it was when I was 6 or 7 and at summer camp. To be fair, I DID tell the counselor I had to use the bathroom and they made me hold it through arts and crafts.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Tell me your embarrassing story</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Tell me your embarrassing story : I did this, but it was when I was 6 or 7 and at summer camp. To be fair, I DID tell the counselor I had to use the bathroom and they made me hold it through arts and crafts.
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    Mery, that's horrible.

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  • edited July 2010
    That's what you get for putting 14 year olds in charge of first graders! I tried to lie and say I fell in a puddle, but my jeans were soaked with pee and it was so hot out that there were definitely no puddles. Ugh. I actually had surgery for a bladder condition when I was 7 or 8, so I'm surprised that's the only time I peed myself. /TMI.
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