Wedding Etiquette Forum

When will this end --- Vent

DH just an interview with the NOLA GM. NOLA wants to fly DH up next week for a tasting.

While doing the phone interview Phoenix called.  He has not been able to contact Phoenix on what they want.

NOLA pays better and is more publicity (you might see him on TV and stuff).  But there is no guarantee he will get the job.

If Phoenix is offering the job he can't wait a week to tell them.



Anyone else need to vent?

What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 

Re: When will this end --- Vent

  • Oh gosh, that is a hard one! NOLA would be better for you guys but I would hate to turn down Phoenix and then not get NOLA. That is hard!

    I don't really have any vents right now other than just being at work. I am really starting to hate it here. I am estimating that I can quit in a little over a year but just that number is starting to haunt me, I cannot imagine being able to take it for that long. I guess that was a vent haha.
  • Ugh!  How long is the Phoenix offer open?
  • Not knowing is always so nerve wracking. Good luck! I hope he gets the one he wants! Plus, we could have a badass g2g if y'all end up in NOLA.

    My vent is that the same client has called no less than 5 times since 8 AM. Yelling at me. He's on the phone with the big boss right now, and the big boss is laying the smack down about how he talks to the staff, so that's good. But seriously. I'm sick of talking to this dude.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • That must be frustrating! But cool that's he's up for such a great job and more than one place is interested in him.

    My vent: FIL had a heart cath today and I'm getting such a half-assed story from DH that I don't know what's what. I gather they're sending him  home, but he might have open heart surgery in a month or so. Huh? If he needs it, why not now? Wish I was there to get a straight story.
  • 10ofcups, H does the same thing. It blows my mind how very few details of a conversation he can actually relay. I swear sometimes he just makes stuff up if he can't remember what was said.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • How frustrating to still not know what's going on!

    My vent is that my advisor is sitting on drafts of 2/3 of my thesis, and keeps promising me he'll get to reading it soon (was supposed to read it last weekend, then this week, now next weekend).  And he pushed my defense back in the meantime (yeah, I vented about this Friday too but I'm still pissed).  I'm not the problem.  My advisor is the problem.  My thesis is 95% written, he just doesn't know that because he hasn't actually looked at it.
  • Lynda - that sucks. I just hope he gets a good job and you guys are happy.

    My vent is fluck the apt complex and the mgt company. They are not working with us here, and it is going to be really bad. The won't pay deductible and think this place is going to be habitable by Thursday. Really? With all the mold and mildew smell. Don't think so.

  • That's incredibly frustrating Lynda.

    My vent: I'm done with school. I'm just done. My advisor (who also teaches 1/2 of my classes) is driving me up the freaking wall, and all I want to do is scream, or cry, or just drink myself into oblivion. I honestly don't even want to go back for my last semester, but it would be so incredibly stupid/irresponsible to waste all of that money.
  • 10of - my H does that too - it's so annoying. He doesn't ask questions, doesn't get details and comes home with a half-assed story!

    My vent is that I dropped out of a wedding yesterday - I know it was the right decision but I'm still really mad and frustrated. I need to get over it, but I think it's going to take a little while. Ugh.
  • Update - Phoenix is not a go.  Money was an issue and they said DH is too big of a chef for that property.  They were afraid he would get bored and/or leave in a few years and they want someone longer.

    I actually agree.  While I supported DH's choice, I wasn't really feeling Phoenix as a good fit.  

    Now lets hope for NOLA.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • 10's  - DH is the same way.  He is so bad I made him sign a form that allows me to get his medical information.  Now the doctor will talk to me directly.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: When will this end --- Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]Update - Phoenix is not a go.  Money was an issue and they said DH is too big of a chef for that property.  They were afraid he would get bored and/or leave in a few years and they want someone longer. I actually agree.  While I supported DH's choice, I wasn't really feeling Phoenix as a good fit.   Now lets hope for NOLA.
    Posted by lyndausvi[/QUOTE]

    Fingers crossed for NOLA.  If you think that Phoenix wasn't a good fit, it probably didn't happen for a reason.
  • edited April 2011
    Yeah Lynda, that sucks. Waiting for what could be very good things can suck big time.

    ETA: Fingers crossed for NOLA!!

    Vent: My administrator told me that she has not seen the drive that she knows that I have. I told her that this has been a year from hell because the administration has totally ignored my concerns. She says that it will be better next year. Go to hell!!!
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  • Good luck for NOLA! 

  • 10ofcups - Ditto.  FI will spend twenty minutes on the phone with his mother, and he'll get off and I ask what she said (for example, because I know they were talking wedding stuff).  The response?   "I don't know"

    My vent is that I'm sick of doing the damn grocery shopping.  I always get stuck with it, and it means I get home so much later than I already would.
  • I hate when companies drag their feet like that.  Similar thing happened to FI a few months ago.  He interviewed with a company that was salary with awesome benefits, great experience, etc, but then he hadn't heard from them for weeks.  So he interviewed with another place, 1099 6 month contract, but decent pay and they offered him the job on the spot.  So he accepted the 1099 job and then 2 weeks later, the first job offered him the position.  He ended up quitting the contract job and taking the other one because that would've been stupid to turn down a full-time salary job for a 6 month contract, but it was still frustrating.

    It will all work out for the best in the end though.  FI found out after he left the other job, that their budget got cut and they would've been laying off 50% of their contractors anyways.
  • I've had a really crappy day so I'm just going to give Tuesday in general a great big flying fuckyou.

    Lynda, I really hope the NOLA gig works out.
    Abigail Rose, EDD 6/8/13 BabyFetus Ticker

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  • Honestly, I was never a fan of moving to Phoenix.  It lacks the ocean I so dearly love.

    Let's pray for  NOLA.  I think it's a better fit.  Plus our friends are moving to College Station TX and that is not as far to go and visit.   

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Not happy to hear that so many other guys are sometimes dippityshits too, but you guys made me laugh.

    Lynda, fingers crossed for you. That would be a huge change, huh?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: When will this end --- Vent</a>:
    [QUOTE]Not happy to hear that so many other guys are sometimes dippityshits too, but you guys made me laugh. Lynda, fingers crossed for you. That would be a huge change, huh?
    Posted by tenofcups4me[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Oh yeah.. ButI think NOLA would be a better transition city.  I like.. Not sure, never been there.  But I'm way more excited about NOLA than Phoenix.  </div><div>
    </div><div>Now if he doesn't get that job I'm not sure what he will do.  He has already checked out of this place mentally.   Once you leave it's hard to go back.


    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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