My fiance and I are torn whether or not to have a money dance. Here's my/our scenario:
We live together and therefore we honestly don't need anything as far as registries go. We live in an apartment and do not plan on getting a house anytime soon. Bottom line is we are not registering. We are however paying for the entire wedding ourselves, and would love any money donations to towards our honeymoon!

Since we've heard its tacky to put registry cards/monetary donation websites in the invitation, we are following that rule- so everyone will hopefully find out by word of mouth what they can do if they wish to give us something.
Here's my personal dilemma: I'm a bartender by day, and I have a lot of regulars I see on nearly every shift (95% men). Obviously, they tip every time they close out their bill. Many of them plan on coming to the wedding, and I'm afraid if would be tacky and somewhat demanding (by lack of better word) if we did a money dance. Maybe I'm just one sided and blind to the fact that it's a wedding and therefor a completely seperate issue? Or am I right and it's not classy whatsoever to ask for money from the same people who are generous to me on a daily basis? Help!!
Thank you
I love you just the way you are, as long as we both shall live.